Export And Import activities 45d8bb2cdcb68577bce19256c43878ed A. Understanding Export and Import Export is the activity of selling goods or services abroad. People who do export activities referred to exporters. The goods sold are known as export goods. The abundance of natural resources of a country's underlying export activities. For example, the Indonesian state will abundant petroleum and agricultural products. In addition to meet the domestic demand, partly also exported abroad. Import is the opposite of export. Import is the activity of purchasing goods from abroad. People who do import activity is referred to as an importer. The items purchased from abroad called imported goods. Limited natural resources and human resources be made imports reasons. An example is Indonesia has not been able to produce electronic goods and items such as car automotive, motorcycle, and others. Therefore, Indonesian import these goods from other countries. Export and import activities conducted through sea ports. One of the ports in Indonesia, which became a place of exports and imports is the port of Tanjung Priok. B. Exporting and Importing Indonesian Indonesian state is rich in natural resources. Especially the mining and agricultural products. Mining and agriculture result in part to meet domestic needs. Most are exported to overseas. Indonesia still has limitations in the field of human resources. Mainly to produce electronic goods and automotive goods. Therefore, Indonesia imported goods from the country of export and import lain.Kegiatan can be goods and services. Here are the goods and services exported and imported by Indonesia. Goods exported by Indonesia consists of two kinds. Among oil and non-oil goods. Goods such as petroleum oil and natural gas. As for non-oil goods, namely the result of agricultural, industrial, and mining (other than oil and gas). Indonesia is one of the petroleum exporting countries. Indonesian state belonging to the association of countries exporting oil or OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries). Indonesian industrial products are exported, among others cigarettes, paper, telecom spare parts, textiles and apparel, cement, fertilizers, plywood, leather crafts, carvings, and wicker. The goods are exported plantation crops, such as tobacco , tea, rubber, palm oil, copra, pepper, chocolate, coffee, cloves, and pala.Barang-goods exported forest products Indonesia, rattan, wood, and resin. The marine products are exported Indonesia, among others, shrimp, fresh fish, and canned fish. 1. Exported Goods and Services by Indonesia pp 2. Goods and Services Imported by Indonesia Indonesia also imports of goods and services. This is due to the limited human resources. Mainly to produce some goods in the country. Goods imported Indonesia mostly electronic goods. Among the television, radio, refrigerator, and others. In addition, also import automotive goods, such as cars, motorcycles, boats, and others. pp C. Benefit Export and Import Export and import activities involving two or more countries. This activity will provide benefits for exporting and importing countries. Some of the benefits derived from the export and import activities, among others 1. production of goods of our country will be recognized by other countries, 2. help meet the needs of other countries, 3. increase foreign exchange, 4. goods from abroad to meet domestic needs, 5. strengthen economic relations and friendship between the countries in the world, and 6. increase production of both countries.
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