Awal Januari tahun 2016, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) resmi menerapkan การแปล - Awal Januari tahun 2016, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) resmi menerapkan อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Awal Januari tahun 2016, Otoritas J

Awal Januari tahun 2016, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) resmi menerapkan Global Master Repo Agreement (GMRA), bagi pihak perbankkan yang akan melakukan aktivitas Repo. Repo atau Repurchase Agreement adalah transaksi pinjaman yang dilakukan lembaga keuangan menggunakan surat berharga.

Dewan Komisioner OJK sekaligus Kepala Eksekutif Pengawas Pasar Modal, Nurhaida kepada wartawan, di Seminyak,mengatakan, mulai 1 Januari 2016, Peraturan OJK nomor 9 tahun 2015 tentang pedoman transaksi Repo bagi lembaga keuangan resmi diberlakukan. Dengan pemberlakuan itu, otomatis semua lembaga keuangan yang akan melakukan aktivitas Repo, wajib menandatangani kesepakatan GMRA atau kerjasama lintas bank. Dalam proses itu, OJK akan berupaya membahas pajak Repo dengan Kementrian Keuangan, untuk menstimuli pihak perbankkan lainnya.

"Nah ini kan baru ya. Kita akan membicarakan ini dengan Kementrian Keuangan, soal pajak Repo. Supaya ada perlakukan pajak yang lebih spesifik untuk Repo, agar lebih menarik bagi perbankkan atau lembaga keuangan," katanya.

Direktur Treasury and Markets Bank Bandiri, Pahala N. Mansury pada kesempatan yang sama mengapresiasi upaya Otoritas Jasa Keuangan - OJK untuk membicarakan pajak Repo dengan Kementrian Keuangan. Ia mengakui, selama ini pajak yang dikenakan untuk transaksi Repo masih bersifat umum. Kedepan diharapkan ada semacam stimulus ataupun insetif pajak Repo bagi perbankkan yang telah menandatangani GMRA atau Global Master Repo Agreement.

"Kita apresiasi lah upaya itu. Karena memang selama ini untuk pajak masih bersifat umum," jelas Pahala Mansury.

Berbicara transaksi Repo, Pahala Mansury menyampaikan, untuk transaksi Repo atau tepatnya sejak penandatanganan Mini Master Repo Agreement (MRA) tahun 2013, menembus nominal Rp. 96 triliun. Sedangkan tahun 2015, angka transaksi sebesar Rp. 39 triliun, dan khusus transaksi Repo dengan Bank Pembangunan Daerah mencapai Rp. 12 sampai 18 triliun. Tahun 2016 jumlah itu diproyeksikan meningkat, menyusul telah dilakukannya penandatanganan GMRA diantara Bank plat merah itu dengan 22 BPD se-Indonesia.

"Kita sampai 2015, semenjak kita tandatangani Mini MRA tahun 2013 yang lalu, kalau kita lihat ditahun 2015 sendiri ada 39 triliun rupiah, khusus untuk transaksi dengan BPD itu antara 12 sampai 18 triliun rupiah pertahunnya," ungkapnya.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Early January 2016, the financial services authority (OJK) officially implemented a Global Master Repo Agreement (GMRA), on behalf of the perbankkan who will conduct the Repo. Repo or Repurchase Agreement transaction is a loan which is done using the financial institution securities.The Board of Commissioner OJK at once the Chief Executive of the capital markets Watchdog, Nurhaida told reporters, in Seminyak, says, beginning January 1, 2016, Regulation No. 9 OJK 2015 about Repo transactions guidelines for financial institutions on official enforced. With the enforcement of it, automatically all financial institutions who will conduct the Repo, the mandatory sign an agreement GMRA or cross-bank cooperation. In that process, will attempt to discuss tax OJK Repo with the Ministry of finance, to other perbankkan party menstimuli."Now it's the new Yes. We will discuss this with the Ministry of finance, tax Repo. So there is a more specific tax treatment for Repo, to make it more attractive for perbankkan or financial institutions, "he said. Director of Treasury and Markets Bank Bandiri, reward n. Mansury at same time appreciates the efforts of the financial services authority-OJK to discuss tax Repo with the Ministry of finance. He admitted, during this tax that is charged for transactions Repo is still common. Fore was expected some sort of stimulus or tax insetif Repo for perbankkan who have signed the GMRA or Global Master Repo Agreement. "Our appreciation was that effort. Because it is so far for tax it is still common, "explained Reward Mansury. Speaking of transactions Repo, reward Mansury convey, Repo transactions or to be precise since the signing of the Mini Master Repo Agreement (MRA) in 2013, penetrating a nominal 96 trillion rupiah. While the year 2015, the number of transactions of Rp. 39 trillion, and a special Repo transactions with the regional development banks reached Rp. 12 to 18 trillion. 2016 that number is projected to increase, following the signing of GMRA he has done between the Red plates Bank with 22 BPD se-Indonesia."We get to 2015, since we signed the MRA Minis by 2013, if we see in 2015 alone there are 39 trillion rupiah, especially for transactions with BPD that between 12 to 18 trillion rupiah is an annual," he said.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Beginning in January 2016, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) authorized to apply Global Master Repo Agreement (GMRA), the part of banking that will perform Repo activity. Repo or Repurchase Agreement is borrowing transactions do financial institutions using securities. Board of Commissioners of the FSA and chief executive officer of Market, Nurhaida told reporters, in Seminyak, say, starting January 1, 2016, Rule FSA number 9 2015 on guidelines for the Repo transaction for official financial institutions put in place. With the implementation, the automatic all financial institutions that will conduct activities Repo, shall sign an agreement GMRA or cooperation across the bank. In the process, the FSA will seek to discuss tax Repo with the Ministry of Finance, to stimulate the perbankkan others. "Well it's only yes. We will discuss this with the Ministry of Finance, tax matter Repo. In addition there is the treatment of tax that are more specific to Repo, so more attractive to banking or financial institution, "he said. Director of Treasury and Markets Bank Bandiri, Pahala N. Mansury on the same occasion appreciated the efforts of the financial Services Authority - FSA to discuss with the Ministry of Finance Repo tax. He admitted, during the tax imposed on Repo transaction is still common. It is expected that there is some sort of stimulus or tax incentives Repo for perbankkan who have signed GMRA or Global Master Repo Agreement. "We appreciated was that effort. Because it has been for the tax is general," said Pahala Mansury. Speaking Repo transaction, Pahala Mansury deliver , for Repo transactions, or rather since the signing of the Mini Master Repo Agreement (MRA) in 2013, nominal penetrate Rp. 96 trillion. Whereas in 2015, the number of transactions amounted to Rp. 39 trillion, and special Repo transaction with Bank Pembangunan Daerah reached Rp. 12 to 18 trillion. By 2016 that number is projected to increase, following the signing of GMRA between Bank red plate with 22 BPD in Indonesia. "We're to 2015, since we signed Mini MRA in 2013 ago, if we look at 2015 alone there were 39 trillion rupiah, BPD specifically to deal with it between 12 to 18 trillion per year, "he said.

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