Part 7 [แก้ไข]On the roof of the train, Hamazura was stunned to hear what is being said Mugino.The Level 5 who had been forced to train with a stop, smile to her face looks like a split into two.“…!!”Whole body Hamazura on the occipital feathers bediri. He was immediately dropped from the top of the roof of the train and run through the pebbly train line. He was surrounded by a concrete wall on the right and left, which made the area resembles an artificial river, but he found a set of stairs in the middle of his flight. He climbed the ladder to the top surface.He looked around him.Mugino was climbing a ladder a few feet away from him, he was at the 20 or 30 feet away from Hamazura and stared at him through the crowd. She has focused her Hamazura deems as prey.(Shit! I can't get away with mingling in the crowd!)He cut the crowd being the holiday and continue the flight. But moments later he reached its limit. He's looking around and then head to one of the nearby buildings. He broke down the door to open, without having had time to think to check if the door is locked or not, and then she rolled into the room.“…Fucking. What is this place? "That place is not a regular business building. Many plants that are slightly higher than Hamazura growing on the floor. On his head a lot of wire wrapped around the tree branches. It's definitely a bluish purple lighting from UV rays to stimulate photosynthesis.(So this auto plant for refining fuel bioetanol...)Development of fuel bioetanol is being digencarkan as an alternative replacement for gasoline. Normally, the sugar cane or corn has been used, but, because of something with such a low level of alcohol purity of wines used here, it must be high quality products that emphasize the brand. Apparently, the folks in District 3 even wanting to have difference between the fuel they use in their car and fuel used people in General. It's like they're letting his car to drink wine."Just how good this place is."The body of Hamazura claimed when it heard the voice from behind him."You've got a taste for choosing a quiet, Hamazura facilities. This is a good place to die alone. "Before he got around to looking, a lacing on his back.With a loud sound confusing, Hamazura body flying several meters before landing. A large number of hydroponic container terhantam, many vines were damaged, and Hamazura body roll even further from there.In one attack alone, she felt the pain greatly on his whole body, until he thought she was going to die.Tidak patahnya tulangnya adalah sesuatu yang mengejutkan.“Sial…!!”Hamazura meninggalkan area yang luas seolah-olah dia sedang menyeret tubuhnya yang terluka. Ada sebuah tangga, jadi dia naik. Dia menemukan seperangkat mesin berwarna perak yang tingginya dua kali tingginya dan mesin-mesin itu terhubung secara horizontal dan vertikal dengan pipa. Ini mirip seperti tempat pembuatan bir yang sesekali kau jumpai di iklan. Pada nyatanya, anggur difermentasikan untuk menghadirkan alkohol, maka peralatan ini bekerja pada cara yang sama. Pasti mesin-mesin ini jugalah yang menciptakan alkohol kosentrasi tinggi yang kemudian diubah menjadi bahan bakar mobil.Dibandingkan sebelumnya, di sini terdapat banyak titik buta.(Bahkan meskipun dia adalah Level 5, dia bukanlah tak terkalahkan.)Hamazura melewati jarak di antara susunan pipa yang rumit itu dan menyandarkan punggungnya ke sebuah mesin besar yang ukurannya seperti ruangan kecil. Sambil bersandar, dia sesegera mungkin memikirkan apapun yang bisa memberikannya keuntungan.(Ketika kami diserang mobil crane di dekat laboratorium teknik partikel, dia tidak mencoba untuk menghancurkan bola perusak raksasa itu dengan kekuatannya. Dan di kereta beberapa saat yang lalu, dia lebih memilih kabel bermuatan yang terkubur di dalam tanah daripada kereta yang bergerak cepat itu sendiri.)Hamazura menggertakkan giginya karena rasa sakit yang diderita sekujur tubuhnya dan kemudian menyadari cara untuk keluar dari situasi ini.(Apparently, strengths Shizuri Mugino requires a certain amount of time to aim his attack as a consequence of how powerful it is. In other words, he is weak against a sudden attack. He could not handle the sudden attacks of someone.)It's not because of not enough trained strength Mugino, but more because of disability resulting from power that is too large. If he's not very careful in using it in a particular area, she will end up with stuck in Flash itself.But Hamazura is not so concerned with the reasons behind the weakness such as long it is Mugino gap to defeat him.In areas with many obstructions, Hamazura have a glimmer of a chance to win.But the ..."Hamazuraaaaaa..."With one word only, Hamazura body seemed shrouded by danger.He ignores his theory and down on the ground at the same time with the advent of "it".Light rain fly.With a woman named Shizuri Mugino known at its Centre, a light line, a shot that looks unhealthy breaks down into all directions. It's not the spotlight special elekton fired with devastating force of a thunderbolt. Like light, electrons have the properties of particles and waves, but Mugino has the ability to control electron forcibly on the status of "ambiguous" him.When the electrons are forced to reside in the ambigunya status of the object, they cannot decide when to act like a particle or a wave, then the electrons it "stops" there. Normally the electron has a mass that is very-very close to zero, but "stopped" the electrons create an imaginary wall that caused a number of destructive power that can be fired to tagretnya at high speed.That's Meltdowner.Technical classification is a High-speed Particle Wave Cannon.Unlike the number 3 Railgun, he is a Level 5 who can manipulate electrons without using wave or particle.Each light beam tearing steel like paper, thick wall outlets, and coloring it all becomes orange. The heat flow is definitely about alcohol are distilled, because the small explosion occurred everywhere. Hamazura somehow has managed to avoid direct rays Mugino lacing, but metal guitar pick-sized shards pierced his left arm. And it's not just one. There are four or five pieces embedded in there."Gwaaaahh.!.!"While holding his arm bleeding, Hamazura accidentally yelled.Because much of the barrier in the area are harassing him, Mugino will only ruin the whole thing. Once he had leveled everything to rubble, Hamazura will mengahadapi Mugino in a hopeless situation.“Mesin-mesin di sini seperti benda untuk menciduk ikan mas pada permainan di festival. Umm… Aku lupa apa itu disebut. Toh, itu tidak akan cukup untuk menjadi pelindung melawan Meltdowner milikku.”Terkuat ke-4 se-Academy City.Sekeumpulan mesin yang tadinya menutupi lantai sudah hancur menjadi puing-puing dengan satu serangan saja. Seluruh tempat berlindung telah dihancurkan, bahkan tembok bagian luar telah menerima kerusakan parah. Mugino berdiri di tengah-tengah kehancuran tempat itu, dia bisa dengan mudah menjadikan seisi bangunan runtuh, sembari senyuman dengan perlahan-lahan merebak di wajahnya.“Ilmuwan-ilmuwan sialan itu mengatakan bahwa naluri survival milikku mencegahku mengeluarkan kekuatan yang lebih dari ini, tapi tampaknya kekuatan asliku cukup untuk membunuh Railgun dengan seketika. Aku tidak dapat protes terlalu banyak, karena mereka bilang rekoilnya akan meledakkan tubuhku menjadi serpihan bila aku benar-benar melakukannya.”Rasa takut menyebar melalui tubuh Hamazura.Si monster level 5 dengan tenang mendekatinya.
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