Struktur pendanaan perbankan yang masih didominasi dari dana pihak ket การแปล - Struktur pendanaan perbankan yang masih didominasi dari dana pihak ket อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Struktur pendanaan perbankan yang m

Struktur pendanaan perbankan yang masih didominasi dari dana pihak ketiga (DPK) sering menjadi penyebab timbulnya pengetatan likuiditas. Oleh karena itu, Bank Indonesia (BI) menganjurkan perbankan memperluas pendanaan di luar DPK.

Deputi Gubernur Senior BI Mirza Adityaswara menjelaskan, di negara maju, DPK tidak menjadi sumber dana utama perbankan. Mereka memiliki instrumen pendanaan beragam seperti surat utang jangka pendek, surat utang jangka menengah, dan negotiable certificate of deposit (NCD). “Berbeda dengan bank di Indonesia yang hampir 90% pendanaannya bergantung pada DPK,” jelas dia di Jakarta, akhir pekan lalu.

Menurut Mirza, instrumen pendanaan di Indonesia belum beragam. Ditambah pula aktivitas pasar uang antarbank (PUAB) yang belum optimal, sehingga penyaluran likuiditas bank yang berlebih selalu ditempatkan di Surat Berharga Indonesia (SBI).

Optimalisasi PUAB dan penambahan instrumen pendanaan, menurut Mirza, tidak terlepas dari dukungan regulator. Selama ini, kurangnya tingkat aktivitas bank di PUAB lantaran tidak ada standardisasi dan jaminan ketika transaksi, sehingga regulator perlu melegalkannya di bawah payung hukum.

Upaya yang sudah dilakukan oleh BI untuk mewadahi transaksi antarbank ini adalah dengan mini master repurchasement agreement (Mini MRA). Melalui Mini MRA, transaksi repo yang sebelumnya hanya mencapai Rp 100 miliar per hari meningkat menjadi Rp 800 miliar per hari.

Mini MRA ditingkatkan oleh BI dan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) dalam global master repurchase agreement (GMRA) Indonesia yang pada tahap awal dilakukan oleh empat bank. Dalam GMRA Indonesia ini, transaksi repo yang semula tidak menggunakan jaminan, sekarang dilakukan dengan jaminan surat berharga negara (SBN). Mirza mengharapkan, nilai transaksi melalui GMRA bisa mencapai Rp 10 triliun per hari.

Dengan adanya inisiatif ini, Mirza berharap, kelebihan dan kekurangan likuiditas yang dialami bank bisa diselesaikan antarbank, tanpa harus selalu bergantung pada penempatan di SBI. Upaya ini juga menciptakan pemerataan likuiditas di masing-masing kelas bank.

Kondisi likuiditas yang ketat sempat terjadi pada November 2015. OJK mencatat, pada periode tersebut rasio kredit terhadap simpanan(loan to deposit ratio/LDR) mencapai 90,47%. Pada Desember 2014, LDR perbankan mencapai 89,42%. LDR meningkat signifikan terutama pada kategori bank umum kegiatan usaha (BUKU) IV, yaitu dari 80,73% pada Desember 2014 menjadi 86,46% pada November 2015.

Meski demikian, LDR tersebut masih dalam kerangka normal LDR, yaitu di bawah 92%. LDR yang berada di atas batas normal terjadi pada BUKU III mencapai 98,51%. Nilai tersebut meningkat dibandingkan periode Desember 2014 yang sebesar 97%. Berbeda dengan bank di BUKU IV dan III, LDR di bank BUKU I dan II justru menurun. LDR BUKU I menurun ke angka 79,2% dari posisi 85,11%.

Sementara LDR Buku II menurun tajam ke angka 86,7% dari posisi 101,72%. Pengetatan likuiditas terus berlanjut pada Desember 2015 yang ditandai oleh suku bunga PUAB yang mencapai 9%. Namun pada awal 2016, kondisi likuiditas menurut Mirza mulai masuk tahap normal, karena suku bunga PUAB sudah turun di angka 5,3% untuk overnight, dan untuk swap di bawah 5,3%.

”Pada pertengahan tahun memang terjadi siklus penarikan pajak dan penarikan front loading untuk SBN, sehingga masuk ke rekening pemerintah yang ada di perbankan. Namun, pemerintah sudah mengantisipasinya melalui pemberian jeda waktu antara pencairan dan penarikan, sehingga membantu keseimbangan likuiditas,” ucap dia.

Gunakan Repo

Sementara itu, Presiden Direktur PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) Jahja Setiaatmadja menjelaskan, selama in, upaya BCA untuk menambah likuiditas di luar DPK adalah dengan melakukan repo. Jadi, BCA membeli obligasi pemerintah dan ketika butuh likuiditas, perseroan tinggal menjaminkan obligasi tersebut untuk ditukar dengan dana segar di pasar repo.

Tahun ini, tingkat kebutuhan repo, menurut Jahja bisa berpotensi meningkat. Pasalnya, perbankan membutuhkan dana untuk mendukung program Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) Rp 100 triliun, ditambah pula pendanaan untuk infrastruktur dan juga modal kerja perusahaan.

Di sisi lain, sumber dana dari masyarakat berpotensi teralihkan untuk pembelian obligasi masyarakat. “Dengan demikian akan ada sedikit kompetisi untuk menarik dana masyarakat,” terang dia.

Direktur PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk (BTN) Iman Nugroho Soeko menjelaskan, pihaknya juga mulai memperluas pendanaan di luar DPK. Hal ini dilakukan dengan menerbitkan obligasi, NCD, sekuritisasi kredit pemilikan rumah (KPR), dan pinjaman bilateral. “Porsi pendanaan kami di luar DPK mencapai 10-15% tergantung kemudahan mobilisasi dana dari masyarakat,” imbuh dia.

Aktivitas di pasar uang antarbank, lanjut Iman juga mulai digalakkan. BTN, menurut Iman menggunakan pasar uang antarbank sebagai sarana untuk mengelola likuiditas dan melakukan trading fixed income.
จาก: ภาษาอินโดนีเซี
เป็น: อังกฤษ
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
The structure of banking was still dominated by funding from third party funds (DPK) often being the cause of the onset of tightening liquidity. Therefore, Bank Indonesia (BI) urged banking expands funding beyond the DPK. BI Senior Deputy Governor Mirza Adityaswara explains, in developed countries, DPK not to become the main source of funding for banking. They have a variety of funding instruments such as short-term bonds, medium term note, and negotiable certificate of deposit (NCD). "In contrast to banks in Indonesia that almost 90% of their funding depends on DPK," explained he was in Jakarta last weekend. According to Mirza, the funding instrument in Indonesia have not varied. Plus interbank money market activity also (PUAB) that is not optimal, so channeling the excess bank liquidity was always placed in Securities Indonesia (SBI). Optimization of PUAB and addition of funding instruments, according to Mirza, is inseparable from the support of regulators. During this time, the lack of the level of activity of banks in PUAB because there is no standardization and guarantees when the transaction, so that the regulator needs to be melegalkannya under the umbrella of the law. The efforts already undertaken by the BI to accomodate this interbank transactions are with mini repurchasement master agreement (Mini-MRA). Through Mini-MRA, repo transactions that previously only reached Rp 100 billion per day increased to Rp 800 billion per day. Mini-MRA improved by BI and the financial services authority (OJK) in global master repurchase agreement (GMRA) Indonesia that at an early stage is performed by four banks. In this transaction, Indonesia GMRA repo that previously did not use the warranty, now done with state securities assurance (SBN). Mirza expects, the value of transactions through the GMRA could reach Rp 10 trillion per day. The existence of this initiative, Mirza is hoping, the advantages and disadvantages of liquidity that the bank could be resolved interbank, without having to always rely on placement on SBI. This effort also creates equity liquidity in their respective classes. The tight liquidity conditions had occurred in November 2015. OJK noted, at that period the ratio of credit against deposits (loan to deposit ratio/LDR) reached 90,47%. In December 2014, LDR banking reached 89,42%. LDR increase significantly especially in the category of public bank's business activities (books) IV, namely from 80.73% in January 2014 into 86.46% in November 2015. However, LDR is still within the framework of normal LDR, i.e. below 92%. LDR is on top of the normal range occur in BOOK III reached 98,51%. These values increased compared to December 2014 period which amounted to 97%. In contrast to banks in BOOK IV and III, LDR on the bank's BOOKS I and II thus decreased. LDR book I numbers descending to 79.2% of 85,11%. While the LDR book II dropped sharply to 86.7% of 137.02% position. The tightening of liquidity continues in December 2015, characterized by a PUAB interest rates reaching 9%. However in early 2016, liquidity condition according to Mirza started to get normal stage, because interest rates are already down at number PUAB 5.3% for overnight, and for the swap under 5.3%."In the mid year tax withdrawal cycles do occur and withdrawal of the front loading for SBN, so sign in to an existing government accounts in banking. However, the Government already anticipate through the granting of a pause period between thawing and withdrawal, so that helps balance the liquidity, "said he. Use The Repo Meanwhile, President Director of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) Jahja Setiaatmadja during the clarify, in an effort to increase the liquidity of the BCA outside DPK is to do a repo. So, the BCA bought Government bonds and when it took the company's liquidity, the bonds for menjaminkan live in Exchange for fresh funds in the market repo. This year, the repo rate needs, according to Jahja could potentially increase. The banking section, requires funds to support program business credit (KUR) Rp 100 trillion, plus also the funding for infrastructure and also the working capital of the company. On the other hand, the source of the funds of the society potentially distracted for purchase bonds of community. "Thus there will be less competition to attract the funds public," light of him. Direktur PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk (BTN) Iman Nugroho Soeko menjelaskan, pihaknya juga mulai memperluas pendanaan di luar DPK. Hal ini dilakukan dengan menerbitkan obligasi, NCD, sekuritisasi kredit pemilikan rumah (KPR), dan pinjaman bilateral. “Porsi pendanaan kami di luar DPK mencapai 10-15% tergantung kemudahan mobilisasi dana dari masyarakat,” imbuh dia. Aktivitas di pasar uang antarbank, lanjut Iman juga mulai digalakkan. BTN, menurut Iman menggunakan pasar uang antarbank sebagai sarana untuk mengelola likuiditas dan melakukan trading fixed income.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
The structure of bank funding is still dominated by third party funds (DPK) is often the cause of tightening liquidity. Therefore, Bank Indonesia (BI) encourage banks extend funding beyond DPK. BI Senior Deputy Governor Mirza Adityaswara explained, in developed countries, DPK not be a major source of funding banks. They have funding instruments as diverse as debt securities short-term, medium term notes and negotiable certificate of deposit (NCD). " Unlike banks in Indonesia which almost 90% of its funding relies on third party funds, " he explained in Jakarta, last weekend. According to Mirza, the funding instrument in Indonesia has not varied. Plus the activity of the interbank money market (interbank) is not optimal, so the distribution of excess bank liquidity is always placed in the Securities Indonesia (SBI). Optimizing the interbank and additional funding instruments, according to Mirza, cosponsored by the regulator. During this time, the lack of bank activity level in the interbank market due to lack of standardization and assurance when a transaction, so the regulator needs to be legalized under the umbrella of the law. Efforts have been made ​​by the central bank to facilitate the inter-bank transactions are with mini master repurchasement agreement (Mini MRA). Through Mini MRA, repo transactions, which were previously only reached Rp 100 billion per day increased to Rp 800 billion per day. Mini MRA improved by the Bank and the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in the global master repurchase agreement (GMRA) Indonesia is in the early stages performed by four banks. In Indonesia this GMRA, repo transactions, which originally did not use the guarantee, it is now done with a guarantee of state securities (SBN). Mirza expect, the value of transactions through GMRA could reach Rp 10 trillion per day. With this initiative, Mirza hopes, strengths and weaknesses of liquidity experienced by the bank can be resolved between banks, without having to always rely on placement in SBI. These efforts also create equity liquidity in each class bank. Conditions tight liquidity had occurred in November 2015. The FSA noted that in the period of credit-to-deposit ratio (LDR / LDR) reached 90.47%. In December 2014, LDR reached 89.42%. LDR increased significantly, especially in the categories of business activities of the commercial banks (BOOK) IV, from 80.73% in December 2014 to 86.46% in November 2015. However, the LDR LDR is still within the normal framework, which is below 92%. LDR is in the upper limit of normal occurred in BOOK III reached 98.51%. That amount increased compared to the period of December 2014 which amounted to 97%. In contrast to the banks BOOK IV and III, LDR in bank BOOK I and II is decreasing. LDR BOOK I drop to 79.2% from 85.11%. While LDR Book II declined sharply to 86.7% from 101.72%. Liquidity tightening continued in December 2015 were marked by interbank rates at 9%. But in early 2016, according to Mirza liquidity conditions began to enter the normal stage, because interbank rates have gone down on the figure of 5.3% for overnight, and to swap under 5.3%. " By the middle of the year it happened taxation and withdrawal cycle front loading for SBN, so it makes to the government accounts in banks. However, the government had anticipated through the provision of a time lag between disbursements and withdrawals, thus helping to balance liquidity, " he said. Use Repo Meanwhile, President Director of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) John Setiaatmadja explained, so in efforts BCA to add liquidity outside DPK is to conduct repo. Thus, the Bank buys government bonds and when needed liquidity, the company stayed ensure such bonds in exchange for fresh funds in the repo market. This year, the repo rate needs, according to John could potentially increase. The reason, banks need funds to support the People's Business Credit (KUR) to Rp 100 trillion, coupled funding for infrastructure and working capital. On the other hand, the source of funds from the public potentially diverted to the purchase of the bonds of society. " Thus, there will be little competition to attract public funds, " he explained. Director of the State Savings Bank (Persero) Tbk (BTN) Faith Soeko Nugroho explains, it also began to extend funding beyond DPK. This is done by issuing bonds, NCD, securitization of mortgages (mortgages), and bilateral loans. " The portion of our funding outside DPK reach 10 - 15% depending on the ease of mobilization of funds from the public, " he added. Activities in the interbank money market, further Iman also began in earnest. BTN, according to Iman use interbank money markets as a means to manage liquidity and trading fixed income.

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