Itu bukanlah wajah yang asing.
Sebelumnya – pada 30 September, Kamijou Touma bertemu oarng ini di Academy City.
Setelah dia berhasil menggunakan Imagine Breaker untuk mengalahkan Vento si Depan dalam sebuah pertarungan yang sulit, pria berotot ini datang menyela.
“Aqcua si Belakang. Aku harusnya sudah menperkenalkan diriku sebelumnya.”
Kursi Kanan Tuhan.
Dan sekaligus, dia punya kemampuan sebagai seorang Saint.
“Seperti yang kau umumkan? Maksudmu….”
“Aku tidak perlu memikirkan dalam-dalam beberapa rencana khusus.”
Aqcua dengan sederhana berkata.
“Aku datang kesini dengan sebuah tujuan, dan itu untuk membasmi dalang dari semua kerusuhan yang ada di dunia ini.”
Dan kau berani mengatakannya, Kamijou terumpat dengan diamnya.
Vento si Depan telah membuat semua fasilitas di kota lumpuh total. Terra si Kiri memulai huru-hara di seluruh penjuru dunia. Tak peduli alasan apa yang mereka punya, dia seharusnya tidak diperlakukan oleh Kursi Kanan Tuhan sebagai kambing hitam.
“Kau tidk punya niatan untuk bernegosiasi? Kau sedang berniat untuk membunuhku dari awal?”
“Huuummph, kita mungkin sudah terlalu terburu-buru.”
Aqcua terlihat sedikit bosan sembari dia mengukur sampai mana si Kamijou ini.
“Harapanku adalah untuk membasmi dalang dibalik semua kerusuhan di dunia ini.”
“Apa yang kau maksud dengan kerusuhan?”
“Walaupun kau tidak akan mengakuinya.”
“Bahkan jika memang begitu, kaulah yang satu-satunya memulainya!! Jangan bilang kau sudah lupa tentang semua yang dilakukan orangmu di Avignon!!!”
“Bahkan jika karena insiden itu, masih ada alasan untuk menyerang si partai berbahaya, Kamijou Touma dan Academy City.”
Sembari mereka berdua menemui jalan buntu, Aqcua tidak bimbang sedikitpun.
Ini berarti dia tidak punya niatan sama sekali untuk mendengar Kamijou Touma.
“Semua hal itu terjadi karena tubuhmu memiliki sesuatu yang spesial. Oleh karena itu, aku tidak akan mengambil nyawamu – selama kau memberikan tangan kananmu itu kepadaku, potong itu untukku, aku akan membiarkan anjing kampung sepertimu hidup.”
Benar-benar permintaan yang tak seorang pun bisa setuju.
Aqcua mungkin membuat permintaan seperti ini karena sudah tahu dari awal dia bakal ditolak.
“Bagaimana dengan bala bantuan utama dari Amakusa..”
Kali ini, Itsuwa akhirnya mengatakan sesuatu.
Tampaknya ingin mengindikasikan sesuatu, Itsuwa melihat sekitar.
Aqcua memotong tindakan Itsuwa hanya dengan satu kata.
“Apa yang terjadi pada kolegaku??”
“Aku tidak membunuhnya.”
Aqcua dengan sederhana berkata.
“Seseorang yang ingin ku kalahkan bukannya mereka,”
Sambil mengatakan ini, Aqcua memindahkan sedikit tubuhnya.
Jarak diantara mereka adalah sekitar 10 meter. Dari sini, seseorang dapat melihat Aqcua tidak sedang memegang suatu senjatapun, dan juga tidak terlihat dia sedang menyembunyikan sesuatu apapun dibalik bajunya. Baju polo itu cocok dengan tubuhnya yang berotot, dan tidak terlihat ruang untuk menyembunyikan sesuatu.
Bahkan demikian, Kamijou dan Itsuwa mengosentrasikan semua kegelisahannya, bahkan tidak membiarkan pandangannya lepas sedikitpun dari pergerakan Aqcua. Pertempuran ini tidak dapat terhindarkan lagi, dan karena mereka tahu akan hal ini, mereka tidak akan menyerang dengan sembrono, akan tetapi lebih memilih untuk melawan balik pada waktu yang tepat dan melihat hasilnya.
Tapi kemudian….
Dari samping.
Sebelum Kamijou dapat menelan nafasnya, Aqcua sudah berada di samping Itsuwa. Dia menghilang : kecepatan Aqcua bisa dilihat demikian. Mencurigai lengan Itsuwa, Aqcua mengayunkan sikunya untuk menyeran gwajah Itsuwa dari samping.
Bahkan tak ada suara.
Tetapi dimata Kamijou yang terlihat adalah tubuh Itsuwa yang terbang melewati jembatan pejalan kaki ini menuju jalan. Kamijou sendiri bahkan tak bernafas, bahkan demikian, dia berusaha untuk menggunakan semua udara tersissa di paru-parunya. Dia berteriak secara naluri.
“Kau masih punya waktu untuk mengkhawatirkan sesama, kan?”
Suara Aqcua menutupi teriakan Kamijou.
Akhirnya, *BOOOMM!!* sebuah suara mencapai telinga Kamijou. suara datang dari bayangan Aqcua yang menarik kakinya. Seperti hiu harimau besar meloncat ke permukaan laut, sepotong besi besar keluar bebarengan dengan bayangna Aqcua. Sebuah benda asing sepanjang 5 meter, terlihat seperti tombak yang biasa digunakan oleh kesatria Eropa kuno, tetapi bukan itu.
Ini mirip payung besar yang dibuat dari besi untuk menegakkannya.
Tongkat ini ditujukan untuk membunuh.
“Aku datang, wahai mangsaku.”
Sebelum Kamijou bisa mendapat posisi yang benar, otot Aqcua melebar dengan eksplosifnya.
(MENGHINDAR!!) Sebelum otaknya bisa memberikan perintah, tongkat besar itu datang dengan bantingan dari atas.
Adalah keajaiban dia masih hidup. Tas Itsuwa, yan gikut terbang bersamanya, bertabrakan dengan tubuh Kamijou, menyebabkan dia terjatuh pada posisi yang sepenuhnya berbeda dengan apa yang diantisipasi Aqcua. Karena itu, Kamijou masih bisa menjaga nyawanya.
Sebuah tongkat ayng panjangnya kira-kira 5 meter luput dari targetnya dan menghancurkan tas Itsuwa menjadi serpihan, setelah itu mendarat ke tanah seperti alat pemenggal kepala.
Ini seharusnya jembatan baja yang diperkuat dengan semen beton.
Tapi dengan suara tumpul dan berat ini, semua bagian jembatan baja bergetar karena tumbukannya. Sekrup yang menopang jembatan baja rusak dan membuat suara bising. Lampu yang dipergunakan untuk menerangi jembatan kehilangan sinarnya secara tidak biasa. Bagaimanapun, Kamijou tidak punya waktu untuk menyadari itu semua. Layaknya meteor yang terdinginkan di lautan, dengan tongkat Aqcua sebagai pusatnya, sejumlah besar serpihan beton beterbangan kemana-mana, dan beberapa mengenai tubuh Kamijou.
Hanya karena sengatan serangan ini saja, cukup membuat Kamijou untuk tidak dapat melangkah maju.
Sembari Kamijou merasakan kedua kakinya menjadi ringan dan melayang, tubuhnya terabng ke belakang beberapa meter. Tubuhnya menghantam portal baja yang menopang jembatan, akhirnya menyebabkan tubuhnya berhenti bergerak.
Ada suara *clack clack clack*.
Potongan-potongan kecil beton berjatuhan ke jembatan bak hujan.
Aqcua menempatkan tongkatnya yang terlihat seberat portal baja pada pundaknya, bergerak maju ke arah Kamijou yang terbaring di lantai.
Kali ini, matanya melihat ke sisi.
Sesorang yang bahkan mencoba untuk berdiri adalah Itsuwa. Mungkin dia telah mengeluarkannya sebelum tasnya terlempar, tetapi Itsuwa sudah menyusun Tombak Friulli yang bisa dipisahkan sewaktu-waktu, ujung menyilang dari tombak ini mengarah ke Aqcua.
Tetapi Itsuwa tampaknya mengalami kerusakan dari pukulan pertamanya tadi. Cairan merah mengalir dari bibirnya, dan wajah yang terpukul juga memerah. Meskipun demikian, saat ini, Itsuwa terlihat seperti hendal melakukan pemancingan.
Bahkan Aqcua tidak tersenyum.
Dia Cuma mengingatkan, “Kau memiliki musuh yang bahkan seluruh grupmu tak dapat kalahkan, dan melawan lawan seperti ini, kau pikir punya peluang menag?”
“…Bahkan jika itu aku…Aku punya perjuangan dengan caraku sendiri.”
Sekarang, seberapa beratkah emosi dan realisasi yang ditaruh pada kalimat ini?
Di sisi lain, Aqcua hanya membalas, “Begitukah?”
Hanya itu.
(Oh, tidak!!)
Kamijou mencoba memaksakan tubuhnya yang sakit untuk mendekat ke arah Itsuwa dan Aqcua. Namun berbeda dengan pikirannya, tubuhnya tidak bisa bergerak. Sekarang ini, Itsuwa dan Aqcua memulai bertarung pada jarak dekat.
Pergerakan Itsuwa cepat.
Bagaimanapun, kecepatan Aqcua sampai pada tingkatan ‘menghilang’. Di saat dia sadar, tongkat besi besar itu sudah tertancap dalam pada pinggulnya. Setelh itu, Aqcua merubah arahnya, dan menggunakan gaya sentrifugal, dia melempar Itsuwa ke arah dimana Kamijou berada.
Bereaksi, pemikiran ini bahkan tidak muncul di otak Kamijou.
Dengan berat tongkat dan berat orang, Kamijou sepenuhnya terhimpit diantara Itsuwa dan portal baja di balik punggungnya. Udara di paru-paru telah sepenuhnya keluar, dan bahakan ada bau besi yang hancur padanya. Beberapa detik kemudian, tubuh yang terhentak itu mengapung dari tanah, dan setelah itu, hantaman membuat rasa gravitasi telah meningkat berlipat-lipat kali disekitar tubuh Kamijou. kamijou perlahan jatuh lagi ke tanah.
Itsuwa, yang diatasnya tidak bereaksi sama sekali. Walaupun Kamijou ingin mendorong jauh Itsuwa, dia tidak dapat melakukannya.
Pandangannya perlahan menjadi buram, akhirnya memandang sesosok Aqcua dengan sulitnya.
(Perbedaannya…terlalu jauh…)
Meskipun itu Vento si Depan atau Terra si Kiri, paling tidak dia masih bisa melihat aksinya. Selama dia bereaksi terhadap serangan musuhnya dan membuat serangan balik yang cocok, paling tidak dia masih bisa mendaratkan beberapa pukulan padanya.
(Tapi, apa-apaan orang ini…..) Kamiijou berpikir.
Apakah lelaki ini benar-benar manusia?
Tidak ada perbedaan antara manusia. Ini mirip game RPG online dimana kau melawan seseorang yang levelnya lebih tinggi 100 tingkatan diatasmu. Dia tidak membuat serangan kuno pada beberapa trik, tetapi lebih, bertarung dengan kemampuan aslinya, tak mungkin dia bisa menang.
“Tangan kananmu,”
Aqcua perlahan menaikkan tongkatnya, berkata.
“Jika kau memberikannya, aku akan membiarkan nyawamu.”
Walaupun dia ingin berdiri, tubunya tidak bisa mengumpulkan kekuatan.
Mengetahui sudah pada batasnya, Kamijou masih tidak menyerah.
“Sungguh? Kali gitu, aku akan membiarkanmu mengerti kenyataan pahit yang bahkan lebih.”
It is not the face of a stranger.Earlier – on September 30, Kamijou Touma met was thus in Academy City.After he successfully used the Imagine Breaker to beat Vento si Front in a battle that is hard, muscular guy came interrupts."Aqcua the rear. I should've menperkenalkan me before. "God's Right Seat.And at the same time, he has the ability as a Saint."As you announce? Do You Mean It. ... ""I don't need to think deeply a few specific plans."Aqcua with a simple saying."I came here with a purpose, and that is to eradicate the mastermind of all the unrest that exists in this world."And you dare to say it, Kamijou terumpat with silence.Vento Front has been making all the facilities in the city paralyzed total. Terra si Left started a melee in all corners of the world. No matter what reasons they have, he should not be treated by the Right Seat of the Lord as a scapegoat."You have to intend to negotiate tidk? You're intending to kill me from the very beginning? ""Huuummph, we might have been too hasty."Aqcua looks a little bored while he measure up to where the Kamijou's."My hope is to eradicate the mastermind behind all the unrest in the world.""What do you mean by a riot?""Though you won't admit it.""Even if it is so, you're the one who only started it!! Don't tell me you've forgotten about all thy males shall do in Avignon!!! ""Even if it is because of the incident, there are still reasons to attack the malicious party, Kamijou Touma and Academy City."While they are both deadlocked, Aqcua no worries at all.This meant she had no intend at all to hear Kamijou Touma."All the things that happen because you have something special. Therefore, I will not take up thy life – as long as you give me your right hand, cut it for me, I'll let tike like you live. "Really demand that nobody could agree.Aqcua may make a request like this because already knew from the start he would be rejected."What are the major reinforcements of Amakusa.."This time, Itsuwa finally said something.It seems to indicate something, Itsuwa looking around."Useless."Aqcua Itsuwa action cut with just one word."What happened to kolegaku??""I didn't kill him."Aqcua with a simple saying."Someone who wants to defeat me instead of them,"While saying this, Aqcua move a little body.The distance between them is approximately 10 meters. From here, one can see Aqcua are not currently holding an senjatapun, nor does it seem she was hiding anything behind her dress. Shirts that fit with a muscular body, and invisible spaces to hide something.Even so, Kamijou Itsuwa mengosentrasikan all due to her and, not even let her view the slightest movement of the Aqcua off. This battle cannot be unavoidable, and because they know this, they will not be attacked with frivolous, but prefers to fight back at the right time and see the results.But then ....From the side."Gh!!"Before you can swallow his breath, Kamijou Aqcua've been in addition Itsuwa. She disappeared: Aqcua speed can be seen to be so. Suspect arm Itsuwa, swinging her elbow to Aqcua menyeran gwajah Itsuwa from the side.In fact there is no sound.But in the eyes of the body is visible Kamijou Itsuwa which flew past the pedestrian bridge to the road. Not even his own breathing Kamijou, even so, he's trying to use all the tersissa air in his lungs. He screamed instinctively."Itsuwa!?!?!""You still have time to be worrying about your fellow, do you?"Voice of the Aqcua cover shouts Kamijou.Finally, * BOOOMM!!* a sound reaches the ear Kamijou. the voice came from the shadow of Aqcua that draw his feet. Such a large tiger shark jumping to sea level, a piece of the big iron out bebarengan with bayangna Aqcua. A foreign object during five meters, looks like a spear used by Knights of old Europe, but not of it.This is similar to a large umbrella made from iron to enforce them.The stick is intended to kill."I have come, o mangsaku.""SIAAALL!"!Before Kamijou can get the correct position, muscle Aqcua widened with eksplosifnya.(AVOID IT!!) Before his brain could give commands, it comes with a big stick slamming from above.It is a miracle he is still alive. Itsuwa, yan gikut bags to fly with him, colliding with the body, causing him to drop the Kamijou in the position that is entirely different from what the anticipated Aqcua. Thus, Kamijou could still keep his life.A rod of length which is approximately 5 meters and destroying the target escaped the bag becomes flaky, Itsuwa after it landed on the ground like a tool pemenggal the head.This should be reinforced with a steel bridge cement concrete.But with this heavy and dull sound, all the steel bridge to vibrate due to tumbukannya. Screw the steel bridges that sustain damage and making noise. The lights used to illuminate the bridge loses its light was not unusual. However, Kamijou didn't have time to realize it all. Like a meteor that terdinginkan in the ocean, with a stick Aqcua as its Center, a large number of concrete fragments fly everywhere, and some of the body Kamijou."GGYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!"Just because this attack only stings, making enough Kamijou to not be stepping forward.While Kamijou felt his legs became light and floated, his body terabng back a few feet. His body hit a steel support the portal bridge, eventually causing his body stopped moving.There are sound * clack clack clack *.Small pieces of concrete fell to bridge a rain.Aqcua put the wand weighing steel portal that looks at the shoulder, moving forward toward the floor laying on Kamijou.This time, his eyes look to the side.Someone even tried to stand up is Itsuwa. Maybe he had it out before her purse was thrown, but it is already compiling Pike Itsuwa Friulli that can be separated at any time, the tip of the spear crossed this leads to Aqcua.But apparently suffered damage from Itsuwa blow his first last. Red liquid oozing from her lips and face flushed also battered. However, currently, Itsuwa hendal do look like fishing.Aqcua not even smile.He Just warned, "you have enemies that even whole grupmu could not defeat, and against an opponent like this, do you think have a chance menag?"“…Even if it was I ...I've had my own struggles with. "Now, how beratkah emotions and realizations were put on this sentence?On the other hand, Aqcua just reply, "Begitukah?"That's it.(Oh, no!!)Kamijou mencoba memaksakan tubuhnya yang sakit untuk mendekat ke arah Itsuwa dan Aqcua. Namun berbeda dengan pikirannya, tubuhnya tidak bisa bergerak. Sekarang ini, Itsuwa dan Aqcua memulai bertarung pada jarak dekat.Pergerakan Itsuwa cepat.Bagaimanapun, kecepatan Aqcua sampai pada tingkatan ‘menghilang’. Di saat dia sadar, tongkat besi besar itu sudah tertancap dalam pada pinggulnya. Setelh itu, Aqcua merubah arahnya, dan menggunakan gaya sentrifugal, dia melempar Itsuwa ke arah dimana Kamijou berada.Bereaksi, pemikiran ini bahkan tidak muncul di otak Kamijou.Dengan berat tongkat dan berat orang, Kamijou sepenuhnya terhimpit diantara Itsuwa dan portal baja di balik punggungnya. Udara di paru-paru telah sepenuhnya keluar, dan bahakan ada bau besi yang hancur padanya. Beberapa detik kemudian, tubuh yang terhentak itu mengapung dari tanah, dan setelah itu, hantaman membuat rasa gravitasi telah meningkat berlipat-lipat kali disekitar tubuh Kamijou. kamijou perlahan jatuh lagi ke tanah.Itsuwa, yang diatasnya tidak bereaksi sama sekali. Walaupun Kamijou ingin mendorong jauh Itsuwa, dia tidak dapat melakukannya.Pandangannya perlahan menjadi buram, akhirnya memandang sesosok Aqcua dengan sulitnya.(Perbedaannya…terlalu jauh…)Meskipun itu Vento si Depan atau Terra si Kiri, paling tidak dia masih bisa melihat aksinya. Selama dia bereaksi terhadap serangan musuhnya dan membuat serangan balik yang cocok, paling tidak dia masih bisa mendaratkan beberapa pukulan padanya.(Tapi, apa-apaan orang ini…..) Kamiijou berpikir.Apakah lelaki ini benar-benar manusia?Tidak ada perbedaan antara manusia. Ini mirip game RPG online dimana kau melawan seseorang yang levelnya lebih tinggi 100 tingkatan diatasmu. Dia tidak membuat serangan kuno pada beberapa trik, tetapi lebih, bertarung dengan kemampuan aslinya, tak mungkin dia bisa menang.“Tangan kananmu,”Aqcua perlahan menaikkan tongkatnya, berkata.“Jika kau memberikannya, aku akan membiarkan nyawamu.”“Kau….pasti….sedang…..bercanda…..”Walaupun dia ingin berdiri, tubunya tidak bisa mengumpulkan kekuatan.Mengetahui sudah pada batasnya, Kamijou masih tidak menyerah.Bagaimanapun,....“Sungguh? Kali gitu, aku akan membiarkanmu mengerti kenyataan pahit yang bahkan lebih.”
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
It is not an unfamiliar face.
Previous - September 30, Kamijou Touma meets this oarng in Academy City.
After she managed to use the Imagine Breaker to defeat Vento of the Front in a tough fight, this muscular man comes interrupted.
"Aqcua the Rear. I should have menperkenalkan me before. "
Right Seat of God.
And at the same time, he has the ability as a Saint.
"As you announce? You mean .... "
"I do not need to think through some special plans."
Aqcua simply said.
"I came here with a purpose, and it is to eradicate the mastermind of all the unrest that exists in this world."
And you dare to say, Kamijou terumpat with silence.
Vento of the Front has made all the facilities in the city paralyzed. Terra of the Left begin riots around the world. No matter what reason they had, he should not be treated by the Right Seat of God as a scapegoat.
"You tidk have no intention to negotiate? You're intending to kill me from the beginning? "
"Huuummph, we may already be too hasty."
Aqcua looks a little bored while he measures the extent to which the Kamijou this.
"My hope is to eradicate the mastermind behind all the unrest in this world."
"What do you mean by riot? "
"Even though you're not going to admit it."
"Even if that's the case, you're the only one to start !! Do not tell me you've forgotten about all that is done in Avignon your man !!! "
"Even if because of the incident, there is no reason to attack the malicious party, Kamijou Touma and Academy City."
While they are both deadlocked, Aqcua not the slightest wavering .
This means that he has no intention at all to hear Kamijou Touma.
"All these things happen because your body has something special. Therefore, I will not take your life - as long as you give it to me right hands, cut it for me, I'll let mongrel like life. "
Really demand that nobody could agree.
Aqcua may make a request like this because it is knew from the start he would be rejected.
"What about the main reinforcements of Amakusa .."
This time, Itsuwa finally said something.
It seems to want to indicate something, Itsuwa look around.
Itsuwa Aqcua cutting action with just one word.
"What happens to my colleagues ?? "
"I did not kill him."
Aqcua simply said.
"Someone who wants to beat me instead of them,"
Saying this, Aqcua move a little body.
The distance between them is approximately 10 meters. From here, one can see Aqcua not holding a senjatapun, and also do not see him hiding anything behind her dress. Polo shirt that fits with his muscular physique, and not visible space to hide something.
Even so, Kamijou and Itsuwa mengosentrasikan all anxiety, not even letting his eyes off the slightest of movement Aqcua. This battle can not be avoided anymore, and because they know this, they will not attack with reckless, but prefer to fight back at the right time and see the results.
But then ....
From the side.
"Gh !!"
Before Kamijou can swallow breath, Aqcua was beside Itsuwa. He disappeared: Aqcua speed can be seen that way. Suspecting Itsuwa arm, Aqcua swung his elbow to Itsuwa gwajah invades from the side.
In fact there was no sound.
But the eyes are visible Kamijou is Itsuwa body that flew past the pedestrian bridge is on the way. Kamijou himself did not even breathe, even so, he tried to use all tersissa air in his lungs. He shouted instinctively.
"Itsuwa !!! ??"
"You still have time to worry about others, right?"
Kamijou's voice shouts Aqcua cover.
Finally, * BOOOMM !! * a sound reaches the ear Kamijou. a voice came from the shadows Aqcua attractive legs. As a large tiger shark jumped into the sea, a large iron out together with his bayangna Aqcua. A foreign object 5 meters long, looks like a spear used by ancient European knights, but not that.
It's like a big umbrella made of iron to enforce it.
Stick is intended to kill.
"I come, O my prey."
Before Kamijou can obtain the correct position, the muscles Aqcua widened with explosive.
(AVOID !!) Before his brain could give orders, the big stick that comes with a kickback from the top.
It's a miracle he's still alive. Itsuwa bag, yan gikut fly with him, collides with Kamijou's body, causing him to fall to the position completely different from what is anticipated Aqcua. Therefore, Kamijou still able to maintain his life.
A ayng stick length is approximately 5 meters escape from the target and destroy Itsuwa bag to shreds, after it landed on the ground like a guillotine.
It should bridge steel reinforced with cement concrete.
But with This sounds dull and heavy, all steel bridge vibrating part because the collision. Steel screws supporting the bridge is damaged and make noise. The lights are used to illuminate the bridge lost its rays are not uncommon. However, Kamijou does not have time to realize it all. Terdinginkan like a meteor in the ocean, with a stick Aqcua as its center, a large number of concrete debris flying everywhere, and some of the body Kamijou.
Just because the sting of this attack alone, enough to make Kamijou can not move forward.
While Kamijou felt his legs became light and floating, body terabng backward several feet. His body hit the steel portal supporting the bridge, eventually causing her to stop moving.
There clack clack clack sound * *.
Small pieces of concrete falling onto the bridge like rain.
Aqcua put his stick that looks heavy steel portal on the shoulder, moving forward toward that Kamijou lying on the floor.
This time, his eyes looking to the side.
Someone who even tried to stand up is Itsuwa. Maybe she had thrown her out before her bag, but Itsuwa had prepared Spear Friulli which can be separated at any time, the tip of the spear crossed this leads to Aqcua.
But Itsuwa apparently suffered damage from the very first shot earlier. Red liquid flowed from his lips, and face battered also flushed. However, at this time, Itsuwa looks like hendal do fishing.
Even Aqcua not smile.
He's just reminded, "You have enemies that even the whole your group can not be beat, and against an opponent like this, do you think have a chance menag?"
"... Even if it were me ... I had a fight in my own way. "
Now, how beratkah emotion and realization placed on this sentence?
On the other hand, Aqcua only reply, "Is that so?"
That's it.
(Oh, no !!)
Kamijou tried to impose his aching body to advancing toward Itsuwa and Aqcua. But unlike his mind, his body could not move. Today, Itsuwa and Aqcua start fighting at close range.
The movement of Itsuwa quickly.
However, the speed Aqcua to the extent of 'disappeared'. At the moment he is aware, the big iron stick is plugged in at the hips. Setelh it, Aqcua change its direction, and using centrifugal force, he threw Itsuwa toward where Kamijou is.
Reacting, this idea does not even appear in the brain Kamijou.
With a heavy stick and heavy people, Kamijou completely squeezed between Itsuwa and steel portal behind his back . The air in the lung has fully come out, and there was a smell of iron bahakan destroyed him. A few seconds later, the floating body jerked off the ground, and after that, lacing make sense of gravity has increased many-fold times around the body Kamijou. Kamijou slowly fell back to the ground.
Itsuwa, the above does not react at all. Although Kamijou wanted to push away Itsuwa, he can not do it.
His eyes slowly become opaque, finally sees a figure Aqcua with difficulty.
(The difference ... too much ...)
Although it Vento of the Front or Terra of the Left, at least he could still see the action. As long as he reacts to attack enemies and make a suitable counter-attack, at least he was able to land a few punches at him.
(But, what the hell is this guy ... ..) Kamiijou think.
Is this man really human?
There is no difference between human beings. It's like an online RPG game where you fight someone higher levels 100 levels above you. He did not make the ancient attack on a few tricks, but rather, to fight with the original ability, no way he can win.
"your right hand,"
Aqcua slowly raised his wand, said.
"If you give it, I'll let your life."
"You .... Sure ... .sedang ... ..bercanda ... .. "
Even though he wanted to stand up, body was not able to gather strength.
Knowing already at its limit, Kamijou still does not give up.
However, ....
"Really? Time so, I will let you understand the harsh reality that even more. "
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