Part 11[แก้ไข]
Kamijou dan Itsuwa berjalan menyusuri jalanan yang bernuansa biru ini. Berbeda dengan jalan lainnya, pemandangan disini seperti dijahit. Pemandangan malam akan muncul bila mereka lanjut untuk melihat di tempat yang sama, tapi secara keseluruhan, ini masih terlihat cantik.
Saat ini, Itsuwa yang sedang berjalan tiba-tiba berkata,
“Dia masih belum membuat pergerakan, si Aqcua itu.”
“,,,Mungkin dia mendapat masalah dengan penjaga-penjaga Academy City. Hehe, tidak akan ada keberuntungan seperti itu.”
Selagi mereka sudah ditenangkan, merea lupa tentang ini, tetapi masalah utamanya di sini adalah Kursi Kanan Tuhan.
Walaupun Anti-Skill dari Academy City bukanlah sekelompok orang idiot, mereka pernah membiarkan beberapa penyihir menginvasi Academy City tanpa perlawanan yang berarti. Setelah melihat semua ini, Kamijou tidak begitu saja membiarkan mereka mengurusi hal ini…disamping itu, setelah pertarungan melwan Vento si Depan, Aqcua sendiri yang menginvasi Academy City untuk membawanya pulang.
Walaupun dukungan Amakusa sangat bisa dipercaya, sekali saja ada permasalahan politis, mereka akan dbuang seperti buntutnya kadal, jadi aksi pergerakan mereka tidak begitu dibatasi. Ini adalah sesuatu yang diharapkan, bahkan tanpa berkata-kata, karena Gereja Anglikan tidak peduli tentang semua ini, dan akan sepenuhnya mengalahkan Aqcua, mereka seharusnya sudah mengirim Kanzaki dengan segera.
Saat ini topiknya terganti, semua atmosfir kebiruan ini juga terganti. Mungkin ini adalah kebetulan atau apa, tapi warna yang menandakan Aqcua si Belakang jugalah biru.
“Walapun fakta aku tidak sedang diserang adalah sesuatu yang seharusnya membuatku bahagia…”
Dia tidak tahu bagaimana memutuskan ini, nada bicara Itsuwa mengindikasikan bahwa dia sedikit nerves.
Sambil berlanjut jalan di jalanan biru ini, Kamijou berpikir sejenak,
“Mungkin dia sedang melakukan sesuatu secara rahasia, mungkin sesuatu terjadi.”
Sampai sekarang, dua anggota Kursi Kanan Tuhan yang diserang… Vento si Depan dan Terra si Kiri keduanya menggunakan cara yang sepenuhnya berbeda dalam menyerang. Yang satu dengan kurang ajarnya datang menyerang dari depan, sementara yang satu lagi membenamkan dunia dalam kekacauan dan membuat jalan memutar untuk menyerang Academy City.
Dia hanya bisa menggunakan kedua orang ini sebagai contoh, jadi sulit untuk mengajak berpikir metode dari Kursi Kanan Tuhan. Disamping, aksi Vento dan Terra yang sama-sama ekstrim, sangatlah tidak mungkin untuk menggunakannya sebagai referensi.
“Bagaimanapun, kita tidak bisa membiarkan penjagaan kita lengah dengan mudahnya…”
Itsuwa mengepalkan lagi tinju kecilnya.
“Termasuk Pengganti Pendeta Tertinggi, semuanya sedang bekerja keras dengan caranya masing-masing yang tidak dapat kita lihat. Tak peduli siapapun di sini, fakta bahwa kita akan menggunakan semua kekuatan kita untuk menyelesaikan misi ini tidak berubah. Cukup dengan menganggap ini seperti yang biasa kita lakukan, maka tidak perlu terlalu memikirkan tentang ini.”
“Apa yang biasa kau lakukan, huh?”
Mendengar kata-kata Itsuwa, Kamijou tersenyum paksa.
“…Omong-omgong aku seharusnya ditarget oleh oleh grup besar yang bernama Kursi Kanan Tuhan ini, dan masih aku dipaksa datang ke fasilitas relaksasi ini karena mesin pemanasku rusak. Aku sungguh merasa bersalah dengan melibatkan orang lain….”
“Tidak, tidak seperti itu. Aku tidak setuju kalau semuanya berpikiran seperti itu.”
Itsuwa dengan cepat mengibas-ngibaskan tangannya sebagai penyelaan terhadap kata-kata Kamijou.
“Bahakan jika kami tahu musuh kuat akan datang, akan jadi suatu kelelahan mental jika kita terus bersiap siaga. Kiat harus bersantai dengan layak dengan tujuan untuk menggunakan tenaga kita pada saat-saat yang gawat nantinya : ini sangatlah penting. Jadi sangat penting bagi kita untuk santai sekarang. mencoba untuk memaksa kita hidup pada suatu ritme spesial tidaklah akan berguna. Ini sama dengan menuangkan air baru segar pada kolam.”
Sejenis itukah? Kamijou tampak bingung.
Tidak keduanya benar-benar merencanakan jalan yang sekarang mereka tempuh. Index pasti akan memilih untuk bergabung dengan mereka jika mereka mengatakan tentang Aqcua di depannya, jadi mereka memutuskan untuk tetap menjadikannya sebagai rahasia. Mereka sudah mengatakan bahwa mereka ingin bilang, dan sekarang mereka sampai pada tempat yang bisa melihat sungai. Rencana Kamijou adalah melewati jembatan baja diatas sungai, dan membuat suatu putaran sebelum akhirnya kembali ke tempat semula dengan melewati jalan lain.
“Omong-omong, tentang anggota Amakusa lainnya, kau sedang menceritakan tentang Tatemiya dan lainnya?”
“Mmm, iya. Mereka seharusnya berada di sekitar sini, memantau dan melindungi kita.”
Itsuwa mengatakannya dengan nada bicara yang tampaknya bersalah.
“…Jika Pendeta ada di sini, kekuatannya sendiri akan sama dengan jumlah 100 orang.”
“Kita sedang menceritakan tenatng Kanzaki, ya? Dia sangatlah kuat.”
“Ya, ya! Karena Pendeta adalah salah satu Saint yang hanya ada 20 diantara mereka! Tak peduli apa, kita Cuma butuh membiarkan Pendeta mengakhirinya dengan satu pukulan.”
Hoho, jadi begitu ya, Kamijou dengan sesuai menjawab Itsuwa.
“Yaaa, karena dia bisa melawan Malaikat Tertinggi dengan Kekuatan Tuhan, dia benar-benar kuat, Kanzaki itu.”
Oh? Reaksi ini mengejutkan Kamijou. Itu terjadi selama insden Angel Fall, jadi Itsuwa mungkin tidak mengerti. Bagaimanapun, dia tampaknya telah mendengar dari Tsuchimikado bahwa Kamijou menganggu waktu Kanzaki beganti pakaian… tetapi tentang peristiwa Angel Fall ini, Kamijou tidak begitu ingat.
“Hmmmm…..” Kamijou mengerutkan kepalanya.
“Tak peduli itu Saint atau Malaikat, keduanya adalah sangat kuat. Banyak orang kuat di luar sana.”
“Ini, yaaa, bukanlah suatu evaluasi yang kritis.”
Itsuwa terlihat belum sadar dari keterkejutannya.
“Tak peduli apa, jika kita membandingkan Sanit dan Malaikat, tetaplah Malaikat yang lebih kuat.”
“Sungguh? Maka itu berarti kanzaki tidak dapat mengalahkan Malaikat itu tak peduli bagaimanpun dia mencoba?”
“Ini, ini sungguh pertanyaan yang berat… hanya pada, permasalahan kekuatan asli, Malaikat masihlah lebih kuat. Kekuatan alami seorang Saint adalah berbeda jika kita bandingkan denga Malaikat”
Berdasar penjelasan Itsuwa, manusia yang disebut Saint terbatas pada seberapa besar kekuatannya bisa terpakai. Jika mereka bahkan baru saja melampaui batasnya, mereka akan berakhir dengan penghancuran diri sendiri. Diantara para pelajar pihak sihir, banyak penjelasan berbeda mengenai ‘mengapa Malaikat bisa menahan begitu banyaknya kekuatan tanpa bisa lepas kendali?”
“Terkutuk, kepalaku mulai sakit ketika membicarakan masalah pelajaran : tak peduli dari segi sihir atau ilmu pengetahuan.”
“Walaupun aku menagtakan ini secara umum, pada dasarnya, info ini bisa dipercayai…”
Melihat pundak Itsuwa menurun sambil menghela nafas, sepertinya dia sudah berusaha yang terbaik pada setiap aspek.
“Kembali ke apa yang kita bicarakan tadi, kau bilang Kanzaki tidak bisa membantu, tapi bukankah Kanzaki dan Amakusa bergabung dengan Gereja Anglikan? Mereka akan datang jika kau minta, kan?”
“Kemungkinan….aku kira. Walaupun kita bersama, seorang Saint adalah seperti keberadaan nuklir, jadi tampaknya mereka tidak bisa membiarkannya pergi keluar Inggris. Disamping itu, banyak hal yang Amakusa tidak bisa katakan, jadi kita hanya bisa memintanya seperti itu… yaaa, mengenai ini, masihlah menjadi hal yang tabu.”
Sambil berbicara tentang ini, Kamijou dan Itsuwa melangkah ke jembatan besi.
Total panjang bentang jembatan itu sekitar 50 meter.
Ngomong-ngomong tentang ukuran jembatan, tidaklah terlalu besar, mempertimbangkan sungai bawah tanah tersebut adalah buatan manusia, seseorang entah kenapa akan meratapi akan hal itu.
Pada bagian terang juga. Seluruh jembatan berwarna kebiruan.
“(…Walaupun aku tidak membiarkan pertahananku melemah, tapi, hanya kita berdua…. WAAAHHHH!!!)”
“Ada yang salah, Itsuwa?”
Itsuwa dengan segera mengangkat tangan mungilnya dan mengayunkannya dengan cepat di depan wajahnya, ke kiri dan ke kanan.
“Itu itu itu itu itu itu itu itu itu itu, aku hanya berpikiran , tidak ada siapapun disekitar, dan sekarang hanya ada kita berdua. Adalah jarang melihat tempat ini terdekorasi dengan indahnya, ini, ini sungguh mubazir…”
Kamijou mulai bingung sembari keduanya berjalan di jembatan baja itu.
Menagpa Itsuwa mulai bicara dengan sangat cepat dan tersenyum dengan bahagianya?
“Yaaa, ini seharusnya karena waktunya sekarang, kan? Malam di Academy City seperti ini. Bus dan kereta terakhir dengan bebasnya tertata dini agar para siswa tidak akan keluar untuk membayar sampai telat. Tetapi masihlah ada anak-anak yang akan keluar untuk bermain.”
Walaupun dia mengatakannya, kedua orang ini dengan segera merasakan perasaan sesak.
Sekarang melewati jam 10 malam, dan kendaraan transportasi utama sudah berhenti semua.
Menurut waktunya, tidaklah aneh jika aliran kendaraan sudah berubah. Disamping itu, Academy City ini, yang terdiri dari 80% pelajar.
Jika ini sudah lewat jam 10 malam, orang-orang yang memang berniat untuk bermain, akan bermain di luar seperti biasanya.
(Oh, sial…!!)
Menghadapi pemandangan tidak biasa tanpa seorang pun di sekitar, Kamijou merasakan rasa bahaya yang tidak mengenakkan. Dia dengan segera memutuskan untuk memberitahu Itsuwa, keadaannya sekarang sangatlah berbahaya.
Tapi dia tidak dapat melakukannya.
Karena bahkan dia tak punya waktu untuk itu.
“- Aku benar-benar memperingatkanmu sebelumnya.”
Dia mendengar suara.
Dari depan mereka, datang dari bayangan remang-remang, seseorang dengan bentuk kegelapan dari iluminasi bayangan biru, suara lelaki yang kokoh dapat terdengar.
“- Ada banyak jalan di depanmu yang harusnya telah kau pilih.”
Mereka mendengar suara langkah kaki.
Tetapi suara langkah kaki ini tidak terdengar sepe
Part 11 [แก้ไข]Kamijou Itsuwa and walking down the streets of this blue theme. In contrast to the other, the landscape here like sewn. Night sights will emerge when they continued to look in the same place, but overall, it still looks pretty.Currently, Itsuwa progress suddenly said,"He's still not making the movement, si Aqcua it."",,, Maybe he's got a problem with watchers Academy City. Hehe, there will be no luck like that. "As long as they have been soothed, they forgot about this, but the main problem here is God's Right Seat.Although Anti-skills of Academy City is not a bunch of idiots, they never let a few witches invade Academy City without meaningful resistance. After seeing all this, Kamijou not casually let them handle things this ... Besides that, after battles melwan Vento si front, Aqcua himself who invade the Academy City to bring it home.Although the support very trustworthy Amakusa, once there is a political issue, they will dbuang like the buntutnya lizard, so their movements and actions are not so restricted. This is something that was expected, even without speaking, as the Anglican Church could care less about all this, and will be completely defeated the Aqcua, they should've sent Kanzaki immediately.The current change into amazement about the topic, all this also bluish change into amazement about the atmosphere. Perhaps this is a coincidence or what, but the colors that indicate Aqcua the Rear too blue."Despite the fact I wasn't being attacked is something that is supposed to make me happy ..."He had no idea how to decide this, Itsuwa tone indicating that he was a little nerves.While the road continues on the streets of this blue, Kamijou thought for a moment,"Maybe he is doing something in secret, perhaps something happened."Until now, two members of God's Right Seat attacked the ... Vento si front and Terra si Left both use completely different way in attack. The one with less ajarnya it comes to attack from the front, while the other one buries the world in turmoil and make a detour to attack the Academy City.He can only use this as an example of the two men, so it's hard to take the seat from the right method of thinking of God. In addition, action and Terra Vento which are equally extreme, it is not possible to use it as a reference."However, we can't let our guard down with Babysitting as easy..."Itsuwa balled his little boxing again."Including a replacement Pastor Tallest, everything was working hard with how each that we cannot see. No matter whoever is here, the fact that we will use all our strength to complete this mission has not changed. It is enough to consider it as we do, then it doesn't need to be too think about it. ""What did you do, huh?"Hear words Itsuwa, Kamijou forced smile.“…By omgong I'm supposed to be targeted by a great group called God's Right Seat, and still I was forced to come to this relaxation facilities because the engine damaged pemanasku. I really feel guilty by involving others... "."No, not like that. I disagree if they minded like that. "Itsuwa quickly mengibas-ngibaskan her hand as a penyelaan against Kamijou's words."Bahakan if we knew a strong enemy will come, it will be a mental fatigue if we continue preparing to standby. Tips to relax with decent with the aim to use our power at critical moments later: this is very important. So it's very important for us to be relaxed now. trying to force us to live at a special rhythm is going to come in handy. It's the same with fresh new poured water on a pond. "A blessing? Kamijou looked confused.Not both of them are really planning a road that now they traveled. Index will surely choose to join them if they say about Aqcua in front of him, so they decided to keep it as a secret. They have said that they want to say, and now they come to the place that could see the river. The plan is through a steel bridge Kamijou above the River, and make a lap before returning to the original place by passing the other way."By the way, about the other members of the Amakusa, you were being told about Tatemiya and others?""Mmm, Yes. They are supposed to be around here, monitor and protect us. "Itsuwa said with a tone that seems innocent.“…If the pastor is here, its own power will be equal to the amount of 100 people. ""We're telling the tenatng Kanzaki, huh? He is very strong. ""Yes, Yes! Because the pastor is one of the Saint that there are only 20 of them! No matter what, we just need to let the Pastor ended it with one blow. "Hoho, so yes, Kamijou with appropriate answer Itsuwa."Yaaa, because he can fight with the Highest power of the Angel of the Lord, he's really strong, Kanzaki that.""EEEHHHHH??? HE'S AGAINST THE HIGHEST ANGEL???? WHAT HAS HAPPENED?.? "Oh? The reaction was startling Kamijou. It happened during the Fall, so Angel insden Itsuwa might not understand. However, he seems to have heard of Tsuchimikado that Kamijou interfere with time Kanzaki beganti clothes ... but about an event this Fall, Kamijou Angel not quite remember."Hmmmm....." Kamijou furrow his head."No matter it is Saint or Angel, both of whom are very strong. A lot of powerful people out there. ""This is not an evaluation, yaaa are critical."Itsuwa looks yet conscious of his surprise."No matter what, if we compare the Sanit and angels, angels that remains more robust.""Really? Then it means kanzaki Angel can't be beat no matter however she tried? ""This, it is a tough question ... only on the original power, problems, Angel masihlah stronger. The natural power of a Saint is different if we compare with the Angels "Based on the description of the man called Itsuwa Saint limited on how much power can be used. If they even just beyond its boundary, they will end with the destruction of yourself. Among the students of magic, many different explanations about ' why Angel could hold so much power without being able to out of control? ""Damned, my head starts to hurt when discussing the issue of lessons learned: no matter in terms of magic or science.""Although I'm menagtakan in General, basically, this info could be held to be the ..."See the shoulders of Itsuwa declined while heaved a breath, it looks like she's been trying her best in every aspect."Go back to what we talked about earlier, you said Kanzaki couldn't help, but isn't Kanzaki and Amakusa joined the Anglican Church? They will come if you ask, right? ""Chances are .... I guess. Even though we shared, a Saint is like nuclear presence, so it seems they can't let it go out the United Kingdom. In addition, many things could not say, Amakusa so we could just ask him like that ... yaaa, regarding this, masihlah became a taboo thing. "While talking about this, Kamijou Itsuwa and stepped into the iron bridge.The bridge spans a total length of about 50 meters.By the way about the size of the bridge, it is not too large, considering the underground river is a man-made, one somehow will bemoan it.At the light, too. The entire bridge colored bluish.“(…Although I don't let pertahananku weakened, but, just the two of us ... ... ... ... WAAAHHHH!!!) ""There is nothing wrong, Itsuwa?""TI-TI-NO!!! THERE IS NOTHING AT ALL!! NOTHING HAPPENS!!! "Itsuwa immediately raised my hand mungilnya and mengayunkannya quickly in front of her face, to the left and to the right."That's it that's it it it it it it it, I was just thinking, there isn't anyone around, and now there are only the two of us. This place is rarely see terdekorasi with beauty, this, this truly redundant... "Kamijou started confused while both were running in the steel bridge.Menagpa Itsuwa started talking very quickly and smiling with happy?"This is supposed to be, because Yaaa it's time now, right? Night in Academy City like this. The last bus and train freely arranged early so that students would not have to pay out until late. But masihlah there are the children who will come out to play. "Although he said it, the two men immediately feel a feeling of tightness.Now passed at 10 pm, and the main transportation vehicle had stopped all.According to time, it is not strange if the flow of vehicles has changed. In addition, the Academy City, which consists of 80% of the students.However,If it had been passed at 10 pm, those who did intend to play, will play outside like usual.(Oh, shit ... you!!)Unusual views without facing one around, Kamijou feel a sense of danger which is not actual. He immediately decided to tell it now, Itsuwa is extremely dangerous.But he couldn't do it.Due to the fact he had no time for that."-I really memperingatkanmu before."He heard a voice.From the front, they came from the shadows Dim, someone with the darkness of the shadow blue illumination, a sturdy man's voice can be heard."There's a lot of road-ahead that should have you choose."They heard the sound of footsteps.But the sound is not audible FootFall sepe
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Part 11 [แก้ไข]
Kamijou and Itsuwa walking down the streets of this blue shades. Unlike the other road, the scenery here as sewn. Night scene will appear if they continued to look at the same place, but overall, it still looks pretty.
Today, Itsuwa running suddenly said,
"He still has not made a move, the Aqcua it."
",, , Maybe he got into trouble with the guards Academy City. Hehe, there would be no such luck. "
While they've soothed, merea forget about this, but the main problem here is the Right Seat of God.
Although the Anti-Skill of Academy City is not a bunch of idiots, they've let some witches invaded Academy City without significant resistance. After seeing all this, Kamijou does not just let them take care of it ... besides that, after the fight melwan Vento of the Front, Aqcua himself who invaded Academy City to take her home.
Although support Amakusa is trustworthy, once there is a political problem, they will dbuang like a lizard tail, so the action of their movement is not so limited. It is something to be expected, even without saying a word, because the Anglican Church does not care about all of this, and would completely defeat Aqcua, they should have been sent Kanzaki immediately.
Currently topic replaced, all the blue atmosphere was also replaced. Perhaps this is a coincidence or what, but the color that signifies the rear Aqcua blue, too.
"Despite the fact I was not being attacked is something that should make me happy ..."
He did not know how to decide this, Itsuwa's tone indicated that he was a little nervous.
While continuing streets of this blue, Kamijou thought,
"Maybe he was doing something in secret, maybe something happened."
Until now, two members of God's Right Seat attacked ... Vento of the Front and Terra of the Left both use an entirely different way in attack . The one with less ajarnya come to attack from the front, while the other was to immerse the world into chaos and make a detour to attack Academy City.
He can only use these two as an example, so it's hard to pin down the method of God's Right Seat. Besides, action Vento and Terra are equally extreme, it is not possible to use it as a reference.
"However, we can not let our guard off guard with ease ..."
Itsuwa clenches his fist again.
"Including Substitute High Priest, everything is working hard the individual way that we can not see. No matter anyone here, the fact that we will use all our strength to finish this mission has not changed. Enough with this regard as we used to do, then do not need to think about this too. "
"What did you used to do, huh?"
Hearing the words Itsuwa, Kamijou forced smile.
"... By omgong I should have targeted by the group Large named God's Right Seat, and still I was forced to come to this relaxation facility because pemanasku machine broken. I really feel guilty by involving other people .... "
"No, not like that. I do not agree that all think like that. "
Itsuwa quickly waved his hand as an interruption to the words Kamijou.
"Bahakan strong if we know the enemy will come, will be a mental fatigue if we continue to be on the alert. Ways must relax properly with the goal to use our power at critical moments later: this is very important. So it is very important for us to relax now. trying to force us to live in a special rhythm will not be useful. It's the same with a new fresh water pouring on the pond. "
Is that kind? Kamijou looked confused.
There are both really planned that way now they are following. Index would definitely choose to join them if they say about Aqcua in front of him, so they decided to keep it as a secret. They've said that they want to say, and now they came to the place which could see the river. Kamijou plan is passed through a steel bridge over the river, and make a round before finally returning to the same place by passing the other way.
"By the way, on the other Amakusa members, you're telling about Tatemiya and others?"
"Mmm, yes. They should be around here, monitor and protect us. "
Itsuwa said in a tone that seems innocent.
"... If the pastor is here, his own strength will be equal to the number of 100 people."
"We're telling tenatng Kanzaki, huh? He is very strong. "
"Yes, yes! Because the pastor is one of the Saint that there are only 20 of them! No matter what, we are all it takes to let Pastor end it with one punch. "
Hoho, so so yes, Kamijou with the appropriate answer Itsuwa.
"Yaaa, because he can fight with the Highest Power of God, he was really strong, Kanzaki it."
Oh? This reaction is surprising Kamijou. It happened during insden Angel Fall, so Itsuwa may not understand. However, he seems to have heard of Tsuchimikado that Kamijou disturb Kanzaki time beganti clothes ... but about the events of Angel's Fall, Kamijou can not quite remember.
"Hmmmm ... .." Kamijou pursed his head.
"No matter the Saint or Angel, both are very strong . Many powerful people out there. "
"This, yaaa, not a critical evaluation."
Itsuwa looks are not yet aware of the shock.
"No matter what, if we compare Sanit and Angel, Angel is still stronger."
"Really? So that means Kanzaki can not beat it no matter however the angel she tried? "
"This is really a tough question ... just in, issue the original strength, Angel is still stronger. Natural power of a Saint is different if we compare the premises Angel "
Based on the explanation Itsuwa, man called Saint limited to how much strength can be used. If they even just beyond the limit, they will end up with the self-destruction. Among the students of magic, many different explanations as to 'why so many Angels can withstand without being able to force out of control? "
"Goddamn, my head started to hurt when discussing lesson: no matter in terms of magic or science."
"Although I have menagtakan in general, basically, this info can be trusted ... "
Seeing Itsuwa decreased shoulder with a sigh, like he was trying his best in every aspect.
"Back to what we were talking about earlier, you said Kanzaki could not help, but not Kanzaki and Amakusa joined the Anglican Church? They will come if you ask for, right? "
"Possibly ... .I guess. Although we shared, a Saint is like a nuclear existence, so it seems they can not let it go out of England. Besides, a lot of things that Amakusa can not say, so we could just ask him like that ... yaaa, regarding this, is still a major taboo. "
While speaking about this, Kamijou and Itsuwa step into the iron bridge.
The total length of the bridge spans around 50 meters.
Speaking about the size of the bridge, it is not too large, considering the underground river that is man-made, someone somehow will lament it.
In the light as well. The entire bridge bluish.
"(... Although I do not let my guard down, but, just the two of us .... WAAAHHHH !!!)"
"There's something wrong, Itsuwa?"
Itsuwa immediately raised his tiny hand and swung quickly in front of his face, to the left and to the right.
"That's it it it it it it it it it, I just think, there is no one around, and now there are only two of us. Is rarely seen this place terdekorasi with beauty, this, this is really redundant ... "
Kamijou getting confused while both are running on the steel bridge.
Menagpa Itsuwa started talking very quickly and smiling with happy?
"Yaaa, it should be because the time now, right? Night in Academy City like this. Buses and trains early last freely arranged so that the students would not come out to pay until late. But there is still the children who will come out to play. "
Although he said it, the two men immediately felt claustrophobic feeling.
Now past the 10 pm, and the main transport vehicle has stopped all.
In time, it is not strange if the flow of vehicles has changed . In addition, the Academy City, which consists of 80% of students.
if this was after 10 pm, people who do intend to play, will play out as usual.
(Oh, shit ... !!)
Facing sights unusual with no one around, Kamijou feel uncomfortable sense of danger. He immediately decided to tell Itsuwa, the situation is now very dangerous.
But he can not do it.
Because even he did not have time for it.
"- I really warn you before."
He heard a voice.
From the front of them, come from the shadows lit -remang, someone with dark forms of illumination blue shadow, sturdy male voice can be heard.
"- There are many roads in front of you that you should have chosen."
They heard the sound of footsteps.
But the sound is not audible footsteps sepe
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