PT Bank Mandiri memfasilitasi transaksi Global Master Repo Agreement ( การแปล - PT Bank Mandiri memfasilitasi transaksi Global Master Repo Agreement ( อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

PT Bank Mandiri memfasilitasi trans

PT Bank Mandiri memfasilitasi transaksi Global Master Repo Agreement (GMRA) Indonesia untuk Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD).

Penandatanganan kerjasama fasilitas tersebut dilakukan oleh Direktur Treasury and Markets Bank Mandiri Pahala N. Mansury dan Direksi BPD seluruh Indonesia di Bali, Senin (1/2/2016).

Pahala bercerita, pemberian fasilitas ini merupakan implementasi dari Peraturan OJK Nomor 9/POJK.04/2015 tanggal 25 Juni 2015 dan Surat Edaran OJK Nomor 33/SEOJK.04/2015 tanggal 23 November 2015 mengenai transaksi repo.

Pada regulasi yang berlaku sejak 1 Januari 2016 itu, seluruh transaksi repo yang dilakukan oleh lembaga keuangan dengan menggunakan Surat Berharga yang diawasi oleh OJK, wajib menggunakan GMRA Indonesia.

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■ Dorong Transaksi Repo, OJK Ingin Stimulus Pajak
■ OJK Atur Transaksi Repo untuk Beri Kepastian Hukum
■ Kembangkan Pasar Repo, Mandiri Gandeng Tiga Bank Asing

Transaksi repo ini dapat menjadi salah satu sumber pendanaan dan alternatif penempatan dana di pasar uang antar bank sehingga mampu mendukung upaya pendalaman sektor keuangan Indonesia.

”Kami bekerjasama dengan seluruh BPD di Indonesia untuk GMRA Indonesia. Kami berharap, melalui kerjasama ini BPD memiliki lebih banyak alternatif penempatan dana atau sumber dana yang dapat digunakan untuk pengelolaan likuiditas,” kata Pahala seperti dikutip dari keterangan tertulis.

Transaksi repo di Indonesia telah mengalami transformasi. Berawal pada tahun 2013 dengan ditandatanganinya Mini MRA (Master Repo Agreement) oleh 8 bank pionir yang salah satunya adalah Bank Mandiri.

Selama periode pasca penandatanganan mini MRA sampai dengan akhir tahun 2015, lanjut Pahala, volume transaksi repo Bank Mandiri mencapai Rp 96 triliun, baik dengan bank lokal, bank asing maupun BPD.

"Lewat kemudahan bertransaksi, kami yakin pasar uang antar bank akan lebih dalam dan tahan terhadap gejolak, sekaligus memberikan fleksibilitas yang lebih tinggi bagi perbankan dalam pengelolaan likuiditas," ujar Pahala. (Gdn/Ahm)
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
PT Bank Mandiri facilitate transactions of the Global Master Repo Agreement (GMRA) Indonesia for a regional development Bank (BPD).The signing of the cooperation of such facilities is carried out by the Director of Treasury and Markets Bank Mandiri Reward n. Mansury and directors BPD throughout Indonesia in Bali, Monday (1/2/2016).The reward of storytelling, the granting of this facility is the implementation of the Regulation No. 9/POJK OJK. 04/2015 25 June 2015 and Circulars OJK Number 33/SEOJK. 04/23 November 2015 2015 concerning transactions repo.On the regulation in force since January 1, 2016, the entire repo transactions conducted by financial institutions with the use of securities watched by OJK, mandatory use of GMRA Indonesia.Read Also ■ Push The Repo Transactions, Want To Tax Stimulus OJK■ Repo Transactions to Adjust OJK Give legal certainty■ Repo Market Developed, Independently Articulated The Three Foreign BanksThis repo transactions can be one source of funding and alternative placement of funds in the interbank market so that it is able to support the efforts of deepening Indonesia's financial sector."We work with the entire BPD in Indonesia to GMRA Indonesia. We hope, through this cooperation, BPD has more alternative placement of funds or funding sources that can be used for the management of liquidity, "said the reward was quoted as saying of the affidavits. Repo transactions in Indonesia has undergone a transformation. Starting in 2013 with the signing of Mini-MRA (Master Repo Agreement) by 8 bank pioneers which one is Bank Mandiri.During the post-war period the signing of the MRA Minis until the end of 2015, further Reward, independent Bank repo transaction volume reached Rp 96 trillion, both with local banks, foreign banks as well as BPD."Through the convenience of transacting, we believe the interbank market will be more resistant to the turmoil, as well as provide higher flexibility for banking in the management of liquidity," said the reward. (Gdn/Ahm)
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
PT Bank Mandiri facilitate transactions Global Master Repo Agreement (GMRA) Indonesia's Regional Development Bank (BPD). The signing of the cooperation of the facility conducted by the Director of Treasury and Markets, Bank Mandiri, Pahala N. Mansury and Directors of BPD throughout Indonesia in Bali, on Monday (1/2 / 2016). Pahala story, of this facility is an implementation of FSA Regulation No. 9 / POJK.04 / 2015 dated June 25, 2015 and the FSA Circular Letter No. 33 / SEOJK.04 / 2015 dated 23 November 2015 regarding repo transactions. In regulation in effect since January 1, 2016, all repo transactions conducted by financial institutions using Securities supervised by the FSA, must use GMRA Indonesia. See Also ■ Push the Repo transaction, the FSA Want Stimulus Tax ■ FSA Set Repo transaction to Give Legal Certainty ■ Develop Repo market, Takes Three Foreign Bank Mandiri repo transaction can be one of the alternative sources of funding and placement of funds in the interbank money market and to support the efforts of the Indonesian financial sector deepening. "We work with all BPD in Indonesia for GMRA Indonesia. We hope, through this cooperation BPD have more alternative placement of funds or source of funds that can be used for liquidity management, "said Pahala, as quoted from a written statement. The repo transaction in Indonesia has undergone a transformation. Starting in 2013 with the signing of the Mini MRA (Master Repo Agreement) by 8 banks pioneer, one of which is the bank. During the period after the signing of the mini MRA until the end of 2015, continued Pahala, the volume of repo transactions Bank Mandiri reach Rp 96 trillion, well with local banks, foreign banks and regional development banks. "Through the ease of transaction, we believe the interbank money market will be deeper and resistant to shocks, while providing greater flexibility for banks in liquidity management," said Pahala. (Gdn / Ahm)

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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