yg pasti kekurangan timnas adalah Teamwork! pemain masih terlalu serin การแปล - yg pasti kekurangan timnas adalah Teamwork! pemain masih terlalu serin อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

yg pasti kekurangan timnas adalah T

yg pasti kekurangan timnas adalah Teamwork!
pemain masih terlalu sering bermain individual, suka salah2 umpan, kebingungan saat memegang bola sehingga gampang di rebut oleh lawan, sering melakukan umpan2 lambung ke depan karena ga tau lagi mau dioper kemana padahal pemain pendek2, serangan2 ke daerah lawan yg sering sia2 karena terlalu mudah dibaca oleh lawan, penyelesaian akhir yg kurang baik

timnas U23 berlatih teamwork lagi deh, pasti kesalah2 diatas dapat teratasi
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Adha Dhizini8 menit lalu
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Astero9 menit lalu
pemaene keakean ngencuk
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Astero9 menit lalu
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Vad Uka10 menit lalu
thailand mainY biasa ky dlu2, RD aj yg ga nyadar, dia terkutuk alias kena karma lengserin blanco scra tidak hormat, dsar sox jagoan ngrasa paling bisa bawa timnas berprestasi, nyataY malu2in bangsa aja lo...tunggu aj perlakuan bonek nti klo lo ga berprestasi...mungkin lebih dr ap yg lo prbuat ma blanco...tunggu tgl mainY....
Balasan 1 balasan0

Shandy Setiawan4 menit lalu
betul brow si rd orangnya sok pinter cari pemain asal dekat ama dia pasti di ambil ,pelatih apa itu di ga tau mna pemain yg bagus mna pemain yg jelik semua yg di bawa anak asuhnya.....mna dari tim2 lain yg di bawa sperti dari persib dari mitra kukar dan laINYA .............tau ga singkatan rd ,rada digel...
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Sartono Reza12 menit lalu
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Darwis Awi Cell14 menit lalu
yakin indonesia gugur apalagi lawan myanmar
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Arif Adhy Reka16 menit lalu
nb : background gambar ARB , la nyalla, joko driyontol dkk warna kuning
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Kang13 menit lalu
liga berkualitas muara timnas berprestasi, contoh thailand tuh dah maju bgt...
disini verifikasi ala jokdri aja gak becus, mau mati semua pemain gak makan ???
Balasan +1

miftahul rizki17 menit lalu
Neh dia rupanya hasil LSI (Liga Samppah Indonesia) jegeeeeer ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Balasan 2 balasan+2

Kang12 menit lalu
yang penting rame, gak digaji gak masalah, infrastrukur ee kucing, pembinaan usia dini b odo amat
Balasan 1 balasan+2

Kang11 menit lalu
verifikasi aja amburadul
Balasan +2

Evan Grinder17 menit lalu
sing tenang,,,
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Dion Bernardbear19 menit lalu
Maaf teman2 yg ada di Timnas....saya bukan mengenyek...yg koment2 disini juga bukan tdk menghargai...tapi masalahnya kerjaan teman2 kan hampir setiap hari mengolah bola...n itu juga jd mata pencaharian kalian,,,,wajar kalo kami mengomentari ato bahkan mengkritik...mohon maaf n jangan kecil hati...lain masalahnya kalo yg main bola itu profesi lain ato bahkan tdk pernah mengolah bola...mgkin kami akan diam...trims atas perjuangannya...dari kmi pencinta TIMNAS
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Vad Uka9 menit lalu
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Kang21 menit lalu
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Uci Sijabat22 menit lalu
Sudah ditebak Indonesia pasti kalah, melawan tim lemah kamboja saja cuma menang 1-0. Coba yg main Ind U-19, pasti score terbalik...
Balasan +1

Dion Bernardbear22 menit lalu
Kalo bole saran...Gmn kalo komentator tv kita pilih jadi pelatih? kayaknya mereka tau karakter pemain2 kita n karakter pemain serta permainan lawan...termasuk kelemahan2nya....saya kira lebih cocok melatih...hehehehehe....#salam Angry Bird
Balasan 3 balasan+3

Bondan Setiadji14 menit lalu
Hehe,, Bung Towel kyknnya bagus tu ketimbang RD.
Salam Angry Bird
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Sartono Reza11 menit lalu
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Vad Uka4 menit lalu
towel itu bac0tY doang...dia sering mencibir nil maizar & timnas wktu itu, ktY pmain2Y ga brkualitas & kurang pengalaman, k0pet...
Balasan 0

Fajar25 menit lalu
Duh..maennya ancur, koordinasi antar lini buruk, teamwork sama sekali gak' ada
RD : "Target kita membawa pulang emas sea games"
Ralat : target indonesia bukan emas tapi menghindari juru kunci, semoga!
Balasan +3

Ryo Wicaksono26 menit lalu
Pemain Indonesia sebenarnya dibekali bakat alami mengolah bola, sayangnya mereka sangat lemah dalam hal organisasi permainan dan pemahaman taktik permainan. Seandainya saja kompetisi Indonesia lebih mengutamakan teknis permainan bukan permainan keras menjurus kasar. Belajar dari Jepang, Indonesia hendaknya fokus pada pembinaan pemain muda dengan mengajarkan teknis dasar pemainan bola yang benar dengan diikuti dengan peningkatan kualitas SDM pelatih usia dini. Selanjutnya pembentukan pusat pelatihan sepak bola di lokus-lokus bola di Indonesia bisa dilakukan seperti halnya Clairefontaine di Perancis. Semoga prestasi sepakbola Indonesia semakin membaik kedepannya
Balasan 1 balasan+2

Sartono Reza18 menit lalu
betul broww...kita sering melihat tim, atau kemaren contohnya vilareal vs mitra kukar, kita bisa liat perbedaan kualitas, jelas kita beda segalanya...tapi ttp memainkan bola2 atas sedangkan vileareal yg unggul aja memainkan sepak bola bawah...datar dari kaki kekaki....kenapa kita gak belajar dari yg d tonton aja dah paling buruknya....pasing salah teruss...hal2 yg mendasar masih salah...target emas
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Bondan Setiadji27 menit lalu
Pemain spt apapun, skil tinggi ataupun rendah, jika dikombinasikan menjadi suatu tim yg solid dan kompak, dgn skema yg tepat, kemungkinan tim tsb bisa mengukir prestasi lebih. Masalahnya sekarang ad pada pelatihnya,, bemutukah? tegas thd pemain? pintar membaca situasi tim dan pertandingan? Ahli strategi yg cerdas? Motivator yg baik? Dsb.
Btw ane gk abis pikir liat andik, dari dulu permainanny kok spt ituuuu saja, bawa bola sendiri sampeeee k pojok, dan egois. Gak tobat2 ni orang.
Sepak bola juga butuh kecerdasan, buka semata-mata mengandalkan skill dan fisik.
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Vad UkaKurang dari semenit yang lalu
ga cuma andik bray...pahabol ma bayu jg maruk, mslah bukan pd pmain tp platihY yg ga brmutu...
Balasan 0

Yuri27 menit lalu
sundulan mah gk perlu pake JEBREEET kaleeee...ha ha
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Ajie Jatnika30 menit lalu
RD... hapuskan gaya main umpan lambung dari bek langsung ke penyerang, apalagi pemain depannya pendek2 kaya gitu... terapkan bermain ala kaki ke kaki mulai sekarang... please RD... 2 pertandingan sisa wajib mesti main kaya gitu...
Balasan 0

gambreng fajrin30 menit lalu
mana perubahan taktik yang katanya bakal diterapkan? nyatanya main gitu-gitu aja. udah tau pemain depan pendek-pendek, tetep aja mainin long ball pake bola atas. passing deket juga kadang bolanya di-chop biar melambung. marking ama pressing juga ga rapet. banyakan stand-off nya dibanding pressing-nya. selain itu, jarak antar lini jauh banget. jadi susah buat saling cover posisi. dan pemain thailand jadi gampang nyerangnya. entah strateginya ga cocok ama pemainnya atau pemainnya yang ga sanggup ngelaksanain strateginya. yang jelas, harusnya rd tau andri ibo itu terlalu riskan buat jadi center back, liat pas ujicoba sebelum2 ini juga udah keliatan. egi melgiansah juga tuh ga jelas peran dia di tengah apaan. defense kagak nyerang kagak, srudak sruduk doang lari kesana kemari ujung2nya pelanggaran.
menit2 terakhir babak kedua abis 3 pergantian pemain, mainnya rada mendingan. yah tapi thailand juga udah nyantei aja, pemain andalannya juga udah diganti.
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Romario da Silva31 menit lalu
klo tw bkl gini mending RD pake strategi parkir bis.. hahah..
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Bukan Burong33 menit lalu
siap-siap dbantai ama timor leste besok....kandang neutral
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Ronny Frans Sinambela33 menit lalu
RD berjanji akan menerapkan startegi khusus melawan thailand...........Startegi GALAH ASIN dan strategi petak umpet msh jg dipake diabad modern ini.
Balasan 0

Anonymous34 menit lalu
heran aku ama RD, pemain cebol smua npa nda maenin permainan cepat, possesion bal, triangle, malah long pass, gaya permainan U-23 gaya permainan Sepak bola jadul ala inggris,

RD nda usah aja kamu nampil di TV, muak liat muka muh yang sok tau segala kekuatan lawan
Balasan 1 balasan+1

Bondan Setiadji11 menit lalu
Setuju Gan. . .
Balasan 0

Begog Santos Al-fakir35 menit lalu
ben do melek kabeh pengurus pssi pelatihe...kami menghujat bukan berarti tidak nasionalisme...
Balasan 2 balasan+1

Adam Firdaus34 menit lalu
yes,,,setuju brow,,,pelatihnya yg gk bener,,,,dr dulu udah gagal,,,msh di coba lagi
Balasan 0

Sartono Reza13 menit lalu
betul broww...malah kemaren ada yg ngujat gw...dia pikir dia hebat...dan dia pikir master bola...PSSI banyak kepentingan makanya d kasi pelajaran teruss....dari awal saya dah gak yakin begitu RD d tunjuk....bukan sok tau...tapi fakta dan kenyataan...kita liat AREMA musim lalu..permainannya seperti apa
Balasan 0
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
which would lack the national team is teamwork!
Players are still too often played individually, like salah2 bait, confusion while holding the ball so easily in captured by the opponent, often do umpan2 stomach forward as passed would not know where yet again pendek2 players, serangan2 into the opposition area often because it is too easy sia2 read by the opponent, the final settlement of which is not good

U23 national team practice teamwork we go again, definitely above can be resolved kesalah2 # respectall

0 replies adha dhizini8 minutes ago

should learn the same shit munich

astero9 reply 0 minutes ago pemaene keakean ngencuk

0 replies astero9 minutes ago tempe ..

reply 0 minutes ago uka10 VAD thailand mainy
ky dlu2 usual, aj yg ga rd nyadar,karma hit him frigging aka blanco lengserin scra disrespect, dsar sox ngrasa hero can carry the team most accomplished, nyatay malu2in nation aj aja lo ... wait for treatment hooligans lo klo ga nti achievement ... probably more ap dr who prbuat ma lo blanco mainy th ... wait ....
reply 1 balasan0

shandy setiawan4 minutes agord his brow the true smart ass ama looking for players close he must take, coaches do not know what's in that good a player mna mna players who jelik all who brought his team ..... mna from other tim2 who brought sperti of persib from partners and other ............. Kukar tau ga rd stands, Digel rada ...

sartono replies reza12 minutes ago
English football that has long been left d d d we still play ... the pattern may change fox ... same game ... kick lariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

0 replies dervish awi
sure cell14 minutes ago Indonesian opponent let alone fall myanmar
0 replies

wise adhy reka16 minutes ago
piye kabare??? tohhh added my day suck????
Nb: background image arb, he Nyalla, george et al driyontol yellow
2 replies reply 1 minute ago

kang13 quality league team estuary achievement, an example of advanced bgt dah tuh thailand ...
Ala verify here jokdri not wrote incompetent, all the players do not want to die eating???

Reply 1 minute ago Miftahul rizki17
neh he was apparently the result of Contents (league samppah Indonesia) jegeeeeer,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, 2 replies

kang12 reply 2 minutes ago
important crowded, not paid not a problem,infrastructure ee cat, coaching very early age odo b
2 replies reply 1 minute ago

kang11 verification shambles wrote

reply 2 minutes ago grinder17 evan
sing quiet,,,

dion replies bernardbear19 minutes ago
sorry teman2 that are on the team .... I am not mengenyek ... who koment2 here also not disdain teman2 work ... but the thing is it almost every day with the ball ...n it is also your livelihood sn,,,, reasonable even if we criticize commenting ato ... sorry ... n do not be discouraged if other problem is that playing football ato that other professions do not even been on the ball ... we mgkin 'll shut up ... thanks for the struggle ... of IMA lover Caps reply 1 reply

VAD uka9 minutes ago cucox ...

kang21 reply 0 minutes ago reply 0

uci sijabat22 minutes ago
've certainly less predictable Indonesia, Cambodia alone against a weak team just won 1-0. try that play ind u-19, bound upside score ...

dion reply 1 minute ago
bernardbear22 if bole suggestions ... GMN tv commentator if we choose to be a coach? I think they know we pemain2 character n characters and game opponent players ... including kelemahan2nya ....I think it's more suited to train ... hehehehehe .... # angry bird greeting reply 3 replies

bondan setiadji14 3 minutes ago
hehe,, good man kyknnya towel tu than rd. Angry bird greeting

sartono reply 0 minutes ago reza11 assistant wrote pretty brow

reply 0 minutes ago
VAD uka4 bac0ty doang the towel ... he often sneer nil Maizar & wktu the national team, Kty pmain2y ga brkualitas & less experience,k0pet reply ...

fajar25 minutes ago duh .. maennya ancur, poor coordination between lines, teamwork absolutely not 'there
rd: "our target of bringing home gold sea games"
corrected: the target is not gold but Indonesia avoid caretaker, hopefully!

ryo reply 3 minutes ago
wicaksono26 Indonesian players actually equipped with a natural talent with the ball,unfortunately they are very weak in terms of organization and understanding of game tactics. If only Indonesian competition technical prefers not play hard games lead to rough. learn from the Japanese,Indonesia should focus on coaching young players to teach the game due to a technical basis with the correct ball was followed by an increase in the quality of early childhood trainers tbsp. subsequent formation of a football training center in the ball loci in Indonesia can be done as Clairefontaine in France. Indonesian football accomplishments hopefully getting better in the future
1 reply 2 replies

sartono reza18 minutes ago broww true ... we often see the team, or yesterday for example vilareal vs. Kukar partners, we can see the difference in quality, we are clearly different from everything ... but ttp plays bola2 above while vileareal reply superior wrote plays football ... flat bottom of the foot kekaki .... why do we not learn from that d watch most bad aja dah ....pasing one teruss ... hal2 still one of the fundamental ... gold targets replies

bondan setiadji27 minutes ago whatever players such as, high or low skills, when combined into a team that is solid and compact, with the current scheme, the possibility of the team they will be more achievements. the problem is now an ad on coach, bemutukah? thd firmly players? read smart team and game situations?the smart strategist? motivator that good? etc..
Btw ane abis think clay andik gk, such as from the first permainanny why ituuuu course, bring their own ball sampeeee k corner, and selfish. not tobat2 ni people.
Football also need intelligence, open solely rely on skill and physical. Reply

1 balasan0 VAD ukakurang than a minute ago just andik bray
ga ma ... Pahabol wind jg Maruk,mslah not pmain tp pd yg ga platihy brmutu reply ...

header yuri27 minutes ago mah gk need to use jebreeet kaleeee ... ha ha

ajie reply 0 minutes ago
rd jatnika30 ... wipe out style of play long ball from defender to attacker directly, let alone the future players pendek2 so rich ... apply the foot to the playing style from now on ... rd please ... 2 shall have to play the rest of the game so rich ...
0 replies

gambreng fajrin30 minutes ago where a change of tactics that he said would be applied? in fact play so-so aja. forward already know the short-short, long ball mainin wrote tetep use the ball over. deket also occasionally passing the ball in-chop let me soar. marking ama ga Rapet pressings also. banyakan his stand-off over its pressings. in addition, the distance between lines really far.cover each other so hard for position. and players nyerangnya thailand so easy. whether the strategy is suitable ama ga ga players or players capable ngelaksanain strategy. clear, rd should know that ibo andri be too risky for center back, clay sebelum2 fit test is also already plasticity. egi melgiansah also not clear tuh her role in the middle of hell. kagak kagak attacking defense,srudak sruduk doang ujung2nya offense run here and there.
Menit2 last 3 Abis second half substitutions, the game is rather mild. yah but also thailand nyantei already wrote, flagship player also already replaced.

romario reply 0 minutes ago da silva31 tw
klo rd mending Gini BKL use bus parking strategy .. hahah ..

not reply burong33 minutes ago
dbantai ready tomorrow .... ama Timor Leste neutral cage 0 replies

ronny frans sinambela33 minutes ago
rd promise to implement a special strategy against Thailand ........... salty pole strategy and plot strategy jg msh-seek using that this modern century.

anonymous34 reply 0 minutes ago
wonder I ama rd, midget players smua npa nda maenin fast game, possesion bales, triangle, even for a long pass,game style u-23 football game style of old school British style, nda rd

you need nampil wrote on tv, fed clay muh face the opposing force pretentious know all replies 1 reply

bondan setiadji11 1 minute ago
agree gan. . .

0 replies begog santos al-fakir35 minutes ago
ben do literacy kabeh pelatihe PSSI board ... we blaspheme not mean that nationalism ... 2 replies 1 reply

adam firdaus34 minutes ago
yes,,, agree brow,,, gk coach that right,,,, dr already failed once,,, msh in reply try again

sartono reza13 minutes ago broww well ... actually yesterday ngujat some i ... he thought he was great ... and he thought the master ball ... so many interests PSSI d ed lesson teruss dah .... from the beginning I do not believe so rd d point .... not pretentious know ... but facts and reality ...we see arema last season .. the game like what reply
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
yg is definitely short of Arsenal's Teamwork!
players are still too often playing individual, like the decoy salah2, confusion, when holding the ball so easily on the go by opponents, often doing umpan2 the hull forward because ga tau mau again passed where in fact the players pendek2, serangan2 to the opponent who often sia2 because it was too easy to read by the opponent, the final settlement of a less good

National U23 practicing teamwork again deh, kesalah2 above can definitely resolved
# respectall

Reply Dhizini8 hours ago

SUPPOSED to learn same SHIT MUNICH 0 Replies

pemaene keakean min ngencuk
0 Replies minutes ago
tempe ...

Reply Vad Uka10 minutes ago
thailand mainY ordinary dlu2, ky yg ga nyadar aj RD, He damned aka karma lengserin blanco hit scra disrespect, ngrasa most swashbuckling sox dsar could bring national achievers, nyataY malu2in aja lo nation ... wait aj nti klo lo bonek treatment ga achievers ... maybe more Dr. ap yg prbuat ma lo blanco ... wait a second ... mainY.

1 Reply Shandy Setiawan4 minutes ago
right brow si rd man sok clever search thunderous near ama she would take, coach what it is at ga tau yg mna mna players great players all yg yg jelik brought child asuhnya ... ... ... another yg mna from tim2 brought BBE from partners from the sperti kertanegara and others............. tau ga abbreviation rd, rada digel ...

Reply Tsing Reza12 minutes ago

0 Replies Dervish Awi Cell14 minutes ago
sure indonesia fell much less opposed to myanmar 0 Replies

Arif Adhy Reka16 minutes ago
nb: ARB background images, la nyalla, joko driyontol dkk yellow
Reply 1 reply 2 Kang13 minutes ago

National Estuary-quality League overachievers, examples of thailand advanced bgt dah tuh ...
jokdri style verification here aja Xue song, want to die all players not eating?

Reply miftahul rizki17 minutes ago
Neh she apparently results of LSI (Indonesia Samppah League) jegeeeeer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2 2 replies Reply

Kang12 minutes ago
important rame, not paid staff, not a problem infrastrukur ee cat, construction very early age b odo
Reply 1 reply 2 Kang11 minutes ago

verification aja ambush

Replies Evan Grinder17 minutes ago
sing calm,,, 0 Replies

Dion Bernardbear19 minutes ago
Sorry teman2 yg ada di Barcelona .... I am not mengenyek ... reply koment2 here also not morbidly appreciate ... but the thing TODO teman2 right almost every day to cultivate.n the jd livelihood you guys,,,, reasonable reply our comment on the ato even criticize ... sorry n don't be discouraged ... Another problem is yg kalo main balls that other professions even ato tdk ever manipulate a ball ... mgkin we will dwell ...Thanks for the struggle ... from FOOTBALL lovers kmi
1 reply Reply

Vad Uka9 minutes ago
cucox ...
Reply minutes ago

0 RepliesUci Sijabat22 minutes ago
Already guessed Indonesia is sure to lose, against a weak team Cambodia only just win 1-0. Try yg main Ind U-19, must score upside down ...

Dion Replies Bernardbear22 minutes ago
Kalo bole suggestions ...Gmn kalo we select tv commentators so coach? I think they know the character of our pemain2 n character the player and the opponent game ... including kelemahan2nya ....I think it's more suitable to train ... hehehehehe .....Angry Bird greetings #
3 Replies reply 3

Bondan Setiadji14 hours ago
Hehe, nice kyknnya Towel, man tu than Rd.
Angry Bird Greetings

0 Replies Tsing Reza11 minutes ago


Vad Uka4 minutes ago
towel it bac0tY doang ... She often sneering Nile maizar & wktu's national team, ktY pmain2Y ga brkualitas & less experience, k0pet Reply ...

Fajar25 minutes ago
Duh..ancur job, too, bad line coordination, teamwork is absolutely not '
RD: "our Target of bringing home gold sea games"
Correction: target India instead of gold but avoid gatekeeper, may 3rd Reply!

Ryo Wicaksono26 hours ago
Cast Indonesia actually provided a natural talent, cultivate Unfortunately they are very weak in terms of games organization and an understanding of the tactics of the game. If only Indonesia prefer technical competition game is not hard rough surrounding the game. Learning from Japan, Indonesia should focus on coaching young players by teaching basic technical users with the correct ball followed by improving the quality of HUMAN RESOURCES for early childhood trainers. Furthermore the establishment of training centres of football in locus-locus of ball in Indonesia could be done just as Clairefontaine in France. Hopefully the achievements of Indonesia's football is getting better future
Reply 1 reply 2

Tsing Reza18 hours ago
correct broww ... we often see teams, or Engadget e.g. partner vs. kertanegara vilareal, we could see a difference in quality, it is clear we are different from everything ... but the ttp played a bola2 top vileareal aja yg excels while playing football bottom ... flat of foot kekaki .... Why do we not learn from yg d watch aja dah best bad ....pasing teruss wrong ... a fundamental antecedent hal2 still wrong ... the gold target
Replies 0

Bondan Setiadji27 minutes ago
Cast spt whichever, high or low, skil if combined into a solid team of yg and compact, with a proper reply scheme, it is likely they will be able to carve out a team's accomplishments more. The problem now was his coach, ad, bemutukah? firmly thd players? Smart reading situation of the team and the game? Yg intelligent strategist? A good Motivator? Etc.
Btw ane gk abis liat andik, thought of the first kok spt permainanny ituuuu, bring the ball alone sampeeee k's corner, and selfish. Gak tobat2 ni people.
Football also need intelligence, go to solely rely on the skill and physical.

1 Reply Vad UkaKurang than a minute ago
ga cuma andik bray ... pahabol ma bayu jg maruk, tp pmain mslah not pd platihY yg ga brmutu ...

Reply Yuri27 hours ago
goal mah gk pake JEBREEET need kaleeee ... ha ha

0 Reply Laura Jatnika30 minutes ago
RD ... Remove style main bait directly into the back of the hull striker, let alone players ahead of him pendek2 so rich ... apply play ala toe to toe starting now ... please RD ... 2 match the rest of the mandatory must play so rich ...
0 replies

gambreng fajrin30 minutes ago
where changes in tactics that he said would apply? in fact the main gitu-gitu aja. udah tau players ahead of the short-short, tetep aja pake mainin long ball ball over. passing deket also sometimes among the most in-chop let me soar. marking ama ga rapet also pressing. banyakan stand-off his rather than pressing him. In addition, the distance between lines far really. so it's hard to create a mutually cover position. and the Thai players so easy nyerangnya. whether his strategy ga match ama players or players that are capable of ngelaksanain his strategy ga. clearly, it should be the andri ibo tau rd too risky for a center back, clay sebelum2 is also a free trial fitting udah plasticity. egi melgiansah tuh ga also obviously the role he's in the middle of hell. the defense will attack kagak TUH kagak TUH, srudak sruduk doang fled there fro ujung2nya violations.
the last second half menit2 abis 3 turn of the player, the game was better. yah but thailand also udah nyantei aja, udah also replaced its flagship player.

0 Reply Romario da last minute Silva31
tw klo gini bkl mending pake RD bus parking strategy. hahah ...
Reply 0

Not Burong33 minutes ago
get ready for dbantai ama east timor tomorrow .... cage neutral Reply

Ronny Frans Sinambela33 minutes ago
RD promised to implement a specific strategy against thailand ... ... ... ... ... ....The conduct of POLE VAULT salty and strategy of hide-and-seek jg msh dipake diabad.

0 Replies Anonymous34 minutes ago
wonder I ama RD, midget players smua npa nda maenin fast games, dominating possession by bal, triangle, instead of the long pass, style games U-23 football style game jadul English,

aja you have nda RD nampil on TV, sick of clay face thebecker.com who snobs know all forces opposed to Reply 1 reply 1

Bondan Setiadji11 minutes ago
Agree Gan ...

Reply Begog Santos Al-fakir35 minutes ago
ben do literacy pensioner Trustees pssi pelatihe ... we are blaspheming doesn't mean nationalism ...
Reply 2 replies 1

Adam Firdaus34 minutes ago
yes,,, agreed brow,,, yg gk bener, his coach, had already failed, Dr.,,, msh in try again

0 Replies Tsing Reza13 minutes ago
correct broww ... even Engadget ada yg gw ngujat ... he thinks he's great ... and he thought master ball ...That's a lot of interest: d kasi teruss lessons ... from the start I was not sure so RD d point .... not sok tau ... but the facts and the reality ...We meandering AREMA last season.the game like what

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