Dear All,
Sehubungan kebutuhan untuk saling support antara TDM dan TRUST dalam menunjang operasional penambangan
sangat mendesak, sehingga perlu disikapi mekanisme ijin kerja nya sehingga tidak ada aturan yang dilanggar,
Pada prinsipnya IMM memberikan ijin untuk personil TDM masuk dan bekerja di areal IMM (TRUST),
Mekanisme ijin tersebut dapat melalui sistem permit masuk layaknya yang selama ini sudah dijalankan baik untuk TDM maupun IMM
sehingga bagi Head of Dept (Baik TDM maupun TRUST) yang mempuyai rencana memasuki atau melakukan pekerjaan
lapangan oleh personil TDM untuk TRUST dapat mengajukan data dengan rincian sebagai berikut :
1.Nama Personil TDM
2.Pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan
Periode ijin masuk tersebut memiliki masa berlaku selama 1 Minggu (7 Hari) dan dapat diperpanjang kembali.
Data tersebut mohon dapat dikirimkan kepada admin QSE TDM (Lenny), untuk selanjutnya PJO TRUST akan membuatkan surat pengantar ke KTT IMM
Demikian yang dapat disampaikan,
Terima kasih
Anhar Al A'la
dear all,
respect the need for mutual support between tdm and trusts to support the mining operations
very urgent, so that needs to be addressed its mechanisms work permit so that no rules are violated, imm
in principle tdm give permission for personnel to enter and work in the area of imm (trust),
The license mechanism can be entered through the permit system like that has been implemented both for tdm and imm
so that the head of dept (both TDM and trust) that mempuyai plan to enter or perform work
tdm field personnel can apply to trusts with details of data as follows:
2.pekerjaan tdm 1.nama personnel will do
The entry period has a validity period for 1 week (7 days) and can be rolled back.
data can be sent to the admin please QSE tdm (lenny), henceforth PJO trust will make an introductory letter to the summit imm
so that can be delivered ,
thank you
regards Anhar al a'la
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Dear All,
in respect of the need to support each other between TDM and TRUST in support of operational mining
very urgent, so that needs to be addressed his work permit mechanism so that no rules were violated principally,
IMM gives permission for entry and TDM personnel working in the area of IMM (TRUST),
These permissions can be through the mechanism of the system of entry permit as long as it's been a good run for TDM or IMM
so for Head of Dept (either TDM or TRUST) which has the following plans or entering job
field personnel by TDM to TRUST can file data with the following details: 1. name of personnel
2. work that will be done
The entry period has expired for 1 week (7 days) and can be extended back.
that Data can be sent to admin please QSE TDM (Lenny), henceforth PJO TRUST will create a cover letter to the SUMMIT So that
IMM can be delivered,
thank you
Greetings Anhar Al A'la
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..